Indus Ind Bank, Piramal Healthcare, Sesa Goa


Piramal healthcare --- cash for free. good play for investors.




indus ind bank --- highly overbought




sesa goa --- time for some quick moves





ITC got stopped out the other sample trades mentioned did good. At one point of time till today morning we had 10-15 longs open 😛 now cut it down. Make hay when the sun shines :). Although majority of the market seems to be going for shorts they seem to have missed a good opportunity. Example Hindalco 118 to 130 is 10%, Larsen from 1000 to 1150 is 12-15 % ! just some of the trades taken 


Had clearly mentioned exactly a week back at 4650 levels on January 3rd 2012 that Nifty is setting up for a short term rally is the Bearish consensus had become very high. Also the technical reasons were specified in this post —  Short Term Rally


People can also start following me on for some snippets.

Also for all the readers this scheme —  will not last for long. ( there was some linking problem which is now rectified )

Happy Investing,

Nooresh Merani


    January 12, 2012

    hello sir smartlink buy hote nahi he kya kare pls advise

  2. gauri
    January 13, 2012

    dear nooresh i wud like to know ur views on sriram transport finance fr d next week,plz reply soon

    1. nooresh
      January 15, 2012

      Hi Gauri,

      In the short term thebounce seems to be over or a bit overdone.

  3. rakesh
    June 29, 2012

    i have purchased 3000 Granules India at average price of 107, and 1000 asahi songwon at 88. pls advice whether to hold or book profit

    1. Nooresh
      July 2, 2012

      No view on granules. If a trading bet exit asahi as its a more longer term play


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