Gold —- Excellent Trading Opportunities

Just jotting down some of the posts done on Gold very recently.


A positive view initiated at 22000 levels --- Gold Medium Term View


Mentioned about a mad rush for gold to start once it starts trading above 1700 which would be speculative –Speculative move above 1700


Gold advised as getting into a long term topout zone -  Long Term Top Out


Gold advised as a buy around 1570 and 25600 again it jumped up 8-10% after that ------------ Gold Bottom Fishing  Another link explaining the 1770 to 1550 and 1550 to 1650 trade


Recent warning on Gold at 1600-1620 levels. Long term trend change on cards. 


As of today gold is trading at 1530 and sub 27000 on mcx. This confirms a breakdown which indicates a downside of 1450 or lower.


Superb trading opportunities. Yet again the warning remains on gold to be avoided as an investment with USD-INR at 53 levels. Over the next 2-3 years rupee can go back to 48-50 levels which gives a clear downside of 5-8% in that case. Gold outperformed equities in 2011 it can be the otherway round this year.



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This is the best time to learn technical analysis so you can spot the next turnaround. I remember people who did the course in 2008-2009 benefitted the most. So take this opportunity to equip yourself to find the next market turnaround point 🙂


For more details speak to Kazim 09821237002. If you have any queries which you would like me to answer mail me your contact details on


Happy Investing,


Nooresh Merani


Analyse India Market Solutions Private Limited ( )


  1. Bhavesh
    December 30, 2011

    Over the next 2-3 YEARS rupee can go back to 48-50 levels ???

    Did u mean MONTHS ???

    1. nooresh
      January 1, 2012

      Hi Bhavesh,

      Its 2-3 years. This is in regards to investment in Gold not a trading recommendation on USD-INR


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