Just jotting down some of the posts done on Gold very recently.
A positive view initiated at 22000 levels --- Gold Medium Term View
Mentioned about a mad rush for gold to start once it starts trading above 1700 which would be speculative –Speculative move above 1700
Gold advised as getting into a long term topout zone - Long Term Top Out
Gold advised as a buy around 1570 and 25600 again it jumped up 8-10% after that ------------ Gold Bottom Fishing Another link explaining the 1770 to 1550 and 1550 to 1650 trade
Recent warning on Gold at 1600-1620 levels. Long term trend change on cards.
As of today gold is trading at 1530 and sub 27000 on mcx. This confirms a breakdown which indicates a downside of 1450 or lower.
Superb trading opportunities. Yet again the warning remains on gold to be avoided as an investment with USD-INR at 53 levels. Over the next 2-3 years rupee can go back to 48-50 levels which gives a clear downside of 5-8% in that case. Gold outperformed equities in 2011 it can be the otherway round this year.
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Happy Investing,
Nooresh Merani
Analyse India Market Solutions Private Limited ( www.analyseindia.com )
December 30, 2011
Over the next 2-3 YEARS rupee can go back to 48-50 levels ???
Did u mean MONTHS ???
January 1, 2012
Hi Bhavesh,
Its 2-3 years. This is in regards to investment in Gold not a trading recommendation on USD-INR