Our Favorites for Medium Term – Clutch Auto,Rishi laser,Prakash Inds, Core Projects

In the last few interactions in various seminars/exhibitions and meetings with people have been recommending few stocks which may not have been discussed on the blog in similar manner.

Mumbai Seminar 1: FSL at 27/31 did 38 , Hind Oil Exp 200 to 400.
Ahmedabad Seminar : IDBI at 105 did 135 , Prakash Inds 140 did 170.
Pune Seminar : Mahindra Ugine , Rishi Laser , Satyam gave good moves
Mumbai Exhibition : Prakash Inds 152 to 180 , Core Projects 170 and still on.
Mumbai Seminar 2 : Prakash Inds , Rishi Laser , Core Projects , Clutch Auto
So now i would like to list out the detailed analysis on why we are so bullish on the above stocks with technical and fundamental reasons.

Core Projects :

Already recommended at 173-175 previously and maintain the short term technical call on the stock. The stock can outperform also in the months to come.

With a market-cap of 35 crores and presence in the industry with various installations all over India seems and interesting turnaround story.
Already recommended to clients at 40 with a detailed report.

PRAKASH Industries, think steel, power, mining, ferro alloys, pvc pipes & wind energy!! Its financials are good enough and are still set to grow exponentially in next few years to come. Prakash industries is a next mini Jindal Steel & Power in the making.
Have been initiating short term trades ever since 110/135/154. Last had sent a sms to all Blog readers who registered at 154. Also Clutch Auto was messaged with booking on prakash Inds at 170-180.
Technically one can expect a tgt of 195/220 in next 1-3 months.

A company in the business for 3-4 decades with major sales towards commercial vehicles in the domestic segment.
At a market cap of 70 crores and a book value of 86 it gives a good amount of safety over the long term.
Technical views posted on the chart. Buy on current levels and declines till 40. A sustained closing above 48 could take the stock to higher targets in quick time.
SENSEX the next MULTIBAGGER .... a technical view ....
Planning for a Banglore edition on January 9. Would like to know if people would be interested. If yes please send in a mail to analyseindia@gmail.com. The seminar is open to all 🙂

26th /27th December ( only 5 seats left )
2nd/3rd January.
January 9-10th . ( Confirm at the earliest as we dont take more then 10 ppl )

Best Regards,




1 Comment

  1. sudhakar
    December 23, 2009

    pl let me know you will be conducting such seminars in Hyderabad. Add my name without any hesitation for such seminars as and when conducted.



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