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Team Analyse India
November 10, 2010
Dear Nooresh, My sincere thanks to you.Im one among many of your website viewers benefitting every day by your tips & suggestions.Most of the stock recomended by you & bought by me have made good progress and doing wonders in my portfolio.
You are a most trustable & dependable person in this trade.
May god bless you & shower you with more success.
Sathish V
November 11, 2010
Hi Satish,
Thanks for your kind words and appreciation. Stay disciplined and things should continue to be good.
November 10, 2010
Hi Nooresh,
can you let me know your views about
spanco? can we buy now..it has gone up heavily..
November 11, 2010
Hi Mihir,
Well not at this price.
November 10, 2010
I am regular reader of your comments………
Can We hold Coal India furthur…………
Can I Purchase Northgate Technologies at this level……….
November 11, 2010
Hi Jay,
Coal India seems full priced for short term.
Northgate no idea.
November 11, 2010
Hi nooresh
Any view on venus remedies now as the price is lingering around 295?
November 11, 2010
waw nice, you always do wonders, this picture is like big visiting card of ur analysis, all the best
November 11, 2010
Thanks Mayashare 🙂
November 11, 2010
Hey Nooresh,
You are the best when it comes to Technical Analysis. Your accuracy is unmatched. Keep up the good work.
November 11, 2010
hi nooresh..
is it time to be in cash again @21 k atleast 25 %
for those who r positional..1-2 years f investments
November 11, 2010
Hi Manu,
I would wait for 19800 to break to increase cash. Right now leverage shud be avoided.
November 11, 2010
Hello Nooresh,
When to book profits in Dhunseri and KS oils? I bought it at 200 and 54 resp..
November 11, 2010
Hi Arun,
Dhunseri can book half and K S Oils half.
November 11, 2010
November 11, 2010
Yes u can
November 11, 2010
Dear nooresh,
Please guide me in below mention four scrips.
(1) Sirpur paper mills –
It is consolidated around 60 lavel from long time. Should i hold or add more, stop
loss ?
(2) beckons ind –
Profit making company with low promotor holding. it is trading in the range of 6 to
8 rupee. Is there any chance of getting decent return ?
(3) Koutons, Ramsarup ind, Prakash ind –
Koutons is rading around 100 rs from last one month. Ramsarup ind is trading
37 to 40 rs from last few weeks. Prakash ind is also trading around 145 . do you
think worst is over for the company ?
November 11, 2010
Hi teju,
Sirpur looks exciting but with a very long term vbiew.
Beckons Inds is speculative would avoid unless full research is done.
Koutons is speculative. Ramsarup and Prakash look good but will test patience.
November 11, 2010
hello nooesh, i am regular reader of ur comment,i want to know about piramal healthcare and lokesh pl tell me
November 11, 2010
Piramal one should exit at 480. Lokesh is a long term hold.
November 11, 2010
Hi Nooresh,
Please share your inputs on cipla and idfc. I am holding longs in both.
November 13, 2010
Hi Rajesh,
Cipla even i looked for a breakout but we got stopped out at 350 itself and since then its gone much weak.
IDFC is another case of stoploss hit ( last 3 days have been bad ) . IDFC my trade was 205 to 215 re-entry at 205 and a deep stop hit at 191 🙁
I would expect a bounce in IDFC to 200-205 but can do 185 on lower side but momentum coming back will take time so either wait for 205 or 185 to decide.
November 11, 2010
Hi, Nooreshbhai,
Wish you a happy Diwali and prosperous New Year.
I am long in Renuka and Ranbaxy. Can i hold them?Please advice
Warm Regards.
Raichand Shah,Chennai
November 13, 2010
Hi Raichand,
Please make it a point to trade wioth stoploss and avoid leverage.
Renuka and Ranbaxy are classic cases of stoploss being useful
November 12, 2010
Dear Nooresh ,
Happy Diwali & New Year.
Today I bought 2000 share of Tips Inds. ltd.@Rs.56 since it has given a breakout of Rs55 . Please give me the target technically.
November 13, 2010
Hi Vivek,
The stock can do 65 if market supports
November 12, 2010
hi Nooresh was fortune enough to attend one of ur seminars. please guide me on Powergrid..as today is the last day. i just wanted to know if atall SENSEX hits at around 19800 where do you see Power grid at..
November 13, 2010
Hi Shyam,
Power Grid may not drop below the IPO price or not by more then 5% this is my personal view 🙂
So even if Sensex does 19750 u need not worry. But only worry on closing below it.
November 12, 2010
pls throw some light on prakash industries…
yeh share ne mere jeevan mein andhera kar diya hai.
November 13, 2010
Hi Ajay,
Sometimes one needs to cut of emotions. Prakash Inds was a favorite and still pretty convincing in the long run but we took exit some months back. Will review on further developments