New IPO stocks – You can make lot of Money or Lose lot of Money

First post on the new BLOG – which is now a self-hosted wordpress blog. More customizations are going to come on this. Hope to see more comments and interactions from readers.





In the last few months there have been many new IPOs which have been buzzing on the exchange.


Huge amount of speculation goes on in them with a daily delivery percentage of 5-10% only.


Although good speculators can make a lot of money out of it but the risk is equally high and the normal retailer generally tends to lose a lot of money speculating in these stocks.


Last i had warned people about ThinkSoft at 525-550 levels that soon it would be dumped to retailers.


Check the link here -


Some days back had similarly warned on Texmo pipes at 140-150 levels. The stock is down to 90s which is a good 30-40% crack for somebody stuck at higher levels.


Check the chart below.






Although there were other examples like Emmbi Poly,ThinkSoft and many more. There are certain stocks like ARSS Infra which have given super returns after listing also and are decent companies.


Maybe Syncom Health could go the ThinkSoft way as per market circles. It would also be taken higher but dumped eventually…


Bottomline is --- You can make a lot of money and lose a hell lot of money in these stocks ---


Better options are available in the market so i would advise people to avoid unless they are game for high risk 🙂






  1. lalit mehta
    March 31, 2010

    nooreshji i cannot find the chart of shirpur gold refinery in many technical charting software can you help me to forward the chart for shirpur gold i was unable to get proper chart info on bseindia also

  2. Admin
    March 31, 2010

    Lalit you can check it out on or both have all the data…. Else mail me on will send u the chart

  3. dharani kumar
    March 31, 2010

    sir, now our blog is looking good..u r doing great job for reader and ur ideas are simply superb..many many thanks to u

  4. anandababu
    March 31, 2010

    Dear Nooreshji, I am a silent follower of your blog and benefitted immensely from your recommendations.May the almighty GOD bless you for the services you are rendering for the small investor community. Whenever I want to track the stocks covered by you,I use to read your articles from the archives, but after the blog has benn migrated to self hosted wordpressblog I couldnot find the archives. where can I find them pl.

  5. Himanshu
    March 31, 2010

    is this shirpur gold refinery a goood company…….stock price was up 20 % today……& stock zoomed a lot in recent past

  6. yk balaji
    April 1, 2010


    Can we buy NMDC @CMP of 295?Pls advise.

  7. Admin
    April 1, 2010

    Anandbabu : Thanks for your kind words. Archives would soon be available … Minor changes on the blog

    Himanshu: Difficult to take a call on that co

    yk: There are better options available like Prakash Inds

  8. basavarj
    April 1, 2010

    pls inform me when u r holding ur technical course in bangalore..would like to learn d TA course..


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