Podcast/Interview with MoneyControl on my Trading/Investing Journey

Recently got profiled by Shishir Asthana of Moneycontrol on my strategy of Trading/Investing.

The interview links. Its in 3 parts.

1)  How a software engineer traded his way to financial freedom


2)   Key learning from 2008 crisis was to cut down on my leverage: Nooresh Merani

“2007 was a breeze and that is when I made my capital. Apart from one foolish mistake, which I did, influenced by someone, the run was good, he said.”

3) It is not about selection but about allocation: Nooresh Merani 

“Your returns are going to be defined by cash allocation or equity allocation. Second is the sectoral allocation”

It was great interacting with Shishir who was patient enough to listen to my ramblings Smile If you are interested in the same can go through the 1 hour podcast link shared below. It was a free-wheeling talk and not in any order.


1 Comment

  1. vamsi krishna j
    December 5, 2017

    Always pleasure to read into your analysis and reality of trading.


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