Yesterday I had written a post which was nonsense and in the mood of April Fool.
Majority of the readers understood the humour but some did get a bit stumped by a such a post or even scared.
So this is a CLARIFICATION --- It was a stupid APRIL FOOL JOKE.
I deeply apologize if it stumped you or scared you for a moment. Glad if it made you smlie. Will try not to post funny stuff in the future.
#Nifty headed to 4500 in this year. #BankNifty 8000 #RBI to hike rates by 100 bps in this year.
This is a big surprise thing that is happening for sure in 2016.
This new financial year will be full of surprises.
As per this Donkey Vomiting Pattern
Nifty headed to 4500.
Bank Nifty headed to 8000
RBI to hike rates by 100 bps this year.
The above line was a subtle hint towards the joke also the big joke is the doodle i have made on the chart as a Donkey Vomiting Pattern 🙂 . Its obvious there can be no such Donkey Vomiting Pattern in any sane study.
I do not expect 4500 Nifty or Bank Nifty or RBI to raise 100 bps or rather expect a rather positive scenario in 2016.
My Technical View on Nifty for the near term is mentioned in this recent post.
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS TRAINING SESSION --- Mumbai April 9-10 --- Seats are full next session to be in May end in Mumbai.
May 1st weekend or 2nd in Bangalore. Will soon be announced.
I would recommend the following course for everyone and on my request have made even Puneet to agree on Pay as much as u Want model.
The Investing Lab Session in Mumbai April 23-24th
Its a 2 day program with one and a half day session on Fundamental Analysis focusing more on quantitative factors and another half day on Technical Analysis for Investors.
Pre-Session Webinar
A 2-hour recorded webinar on basics of financial analysis. Also a lot of reading material to be shared. (A recording of the same will be available)
16-Hour Training
An intensive 2-day training program by Mr. Puneet Khurana and Mr. Nooresh Merani
Lots of reading material and recorded sessions on Fundamental as well as Technical analysis
8 hours Recording of Technical Analysis Course
Technical Analysis - Nooresh Merani
Fundamental Analysis - Puneet Khurana.
23-24th April 2016
9 am to 6 pm
Venue :
Hotel Karl Residency
36, Lallubhai Park Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 058. Maharastra, India.
Fees - Pay as much as you want.
Registration Fees = Rs 3000 ( Refundable )