The Investing Lab – April 23-24th Mumbai. Pay as much as you want !! Register @Rs 3000

The Investing Lab Session in Mumbai  April 23-24th


Its a 2 day program with one and a half day session on Fundamental Analysis focusing more on quantitative factors and another half day on Technical Analysis for Investors.

Pre-Session Webinar

A 2-hour recorded webinar on basics of financial analysis. Also a lot of reading material to be shared. (A recording of the same will be available)

16-Hour Training

An intensive 2-day training program by   Mr. Puneet Khurana and Mr. Nooresh Merani


Lots of reading material and recorded sessions on Fundamental as well as Technical analysis

8 hours Recording of Technical Analysis Course


Technical Analysis - Nooresh Merani

Fundamental Analysis - Puneet Khurana.

23-24th April 2016

9 am to 6 pm

Venue :

Hotel Karl Residency

36, Lallubhai Park Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 058. Maharastra, India.

Fees - Pay as much as you want.

Registration Fees = Rs 3000 ( Refundable )


Register by making a payment on this link -

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  1. Bharat Narang
    March 27, 2016

    Hi Sir,

    I am a small investor with zero tech experience. I should register for investing lab or technical analysis program.

    1. Nooresh
      March 29, 2016

      It depends on what you want to focus on.

      You can give me a call on 9819225396

  2. vikas
    April 1, 2016

    N iwill be travelling from Delhi for investing Lab.


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