Technical Trades – Triangles/Range Breakout and Channel Examples – Before and After

Avanti Feeds

This was posted here - Avanti Feeds, Waterbase Something Fishy ?


This is how the chart looks now.

Avanti After

This is a classic example of Range Breakout or Channels with multiple support/resistance zones. Also can you notice the volume picking up.

Disclosure : Recommended at 1600-1750 and booked at 2050-2100 in Technical Traders Club


Waterbase Bloog

This is how the chart looks now

Waterbase after

The above is a classic example of Trading Triangles and one can see the volumes spike up too.

#disclosure - Booked half of holding and now trailing.

Textiles has been a superb sector for us - Here is post on Himatsingka Seide

Textiles Sector- Himatsingka Seide – Channel Breakout

This is how the chart looked


This is how it looks now.


This is a classic example of Channel Breakout with a strong indication coming from volumes.

#disclosure - Booked fully in  Technical Traders Club  and Big Value 2.

This post highlights how Technical Analysis can be used to time entry in good midcap stocks. Post we are done with sharing of e-book will start hopefully will start a video series explaining Technical Trades examples.

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