About two years back you used to track Camlin before Japanese co purchased majority shares at RS110.Do you find chance of turn around and value at Rs46 Thanks and best wishes for New Year Avinash
We had recently initiated a trade reco at 40-41 but booked out at 48-50. Technical indications are clear. One can buy at 40-44. Yes if you have a longer term vision of 6-12 months and patience there is definitely a good opportunity in this.
Pls have a look @ chart of TV-18 for last 1 year.. 37 has acted as a major resistance for the stock. It has broken the resistance with large volumes.. Deosn’t it signal a breakout?? What can be the potential upside? Also fundamentally things are changing for TV-18 due to digitization and the recent debt reduction
January 2, 2013
About two years back you used to track Camlin before Japanese co purchased majority shares at RS110.Do you find chance of turn around and value at Rs46 Thanks and best wishes for New Year Avinash
January 4, 2013
Hi Avinash,
We had recently initiated a trade reco at 40-41 but booked out at 48-50. Technical indications are clear. One can buy at 40-44. Yes if you have a longer term vision of 6-12 months and patience there is definitely a good opportunity in this.
January 3, 2013
Hi Nooresh,
Any view on Sterlite Technologies your old pick?
I am still stuck in that from 39 levels.
Can you throw some light and let me know if I should book losses and switch or still hold?
January 4, 2013
Hii Nooresh,
Good call on TV-18.
Pls have a look @ chart of TV-18 for last 1 year.. 37 has acted as a major resistance for the stock. It has broken the resistance with large volumes.. Deosn’t it signal a breakout?? What can be the potential upside? Also fundamentally things are changing for TV-18 due to digitization and the recent debt reduction