Nifty/Bank Nifty and Intra Day Calls.



We at Analyse India are pleased to announce a trial for Nifty/Bank Nifty and Intra Day Calls.

-> Aimed at quick traders who track the markets daily and are ready to quickly change positions.

-> Focused mainly on day trades, btst/stbt and max 1-3 sessions quick moves.



Those who would like to go for this trial can fill the form below.


Some basics

-> Intra day trading involves a lot of discipline as one needs to be nimble and use adequate risk management.

-> In intra day you have an expiry to every position you take and so are the risks involved but at the same time one can use some amount of leverage as well.

-> Be strict with stoplosses and execute all the trades advised in same exposures.

-> Use adequate risk management as per your risk profile ( do not over leverage – brokers may give you 20 times margin does not imply you need to use it )

-> Keep booking partial profits at advised levels to reduce risk.

-> Leverage needs to reduce in over night positions.


The trial would start next week


  1. Vishal Metrani
    September 28, 2012

    I am interested in the trial for Nifty-Bank Nifty

  2. Libin
    September 28, 2012

    Are there any pointers on what sort of capital is needed to respond to the tips?

  3. Sachin
    September 28, 2012

    Dear Nooresh,

    I have filled form for trial, would be waiting for your calls.

    I have one query , I want information about TA Online training… how much it cost what is syllabus.. what will be provided?? ETC… can you pls give information.

    1. Nooresh
      September 30, 2012

      You can call me on 09819225396 for more details

  4. Sachin
    October 1, 2012

    Dear Sir,

    I have filled the form for trial… and as given above it should start today… but I have not received any communication regarding trial… nor my trial started… can you help me??


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