More than two times money made in Safe Nifty Option Strategy

We had recommended a Long Strangle Nifty Option Strategy for October Series to our ‘ Quick Gains ’ & ‘ News letter ’ clients on 13th September 2012.


The following messages were sent to our ‘ Quick Gains ’ & ‘ News letter ’ clients ( timestamps mentioned ) :


Nooresh Merani (13-09-2012 14:14:28): Option Strategy : Long Strangle for October Series: Buy 5700 CE at 24-25 and 5200 PE at 31-32 with total premium outgo of Rs 55-57 . Keep stoploss of 20 and look for targets of 130-150 next month. Analyse India


Nooresh Merani (17-09-2012 09:25:46): Book half in Option Strategy at 110-115.. Recommended at 55-57


Nooresh Merani (21-09-2012 12:24:45): Book fully in Option Strategy now at 160-170.. All targets achieved ..


The Explanation of the Long Strangle Option Strategy is given below  :



  Recommended at Booked half Booked fully
Long Nifty Oct 5700 CE             24        87       152
Long Nifty Oct 5200 PE             31        23        13
            Total             55        110        165



Now let’s look at the profits that could have been earned by you:


Lets take an example,  if you would have bought 20 lots or 1000 qty of both 5700 CE and 5200 PE :


Total Premium Outgo ( 5700 CE + 5200 PE ) = 55 * 1000 QTY = Rs 55000


Maximum Risk: Rs 55000 ( Limited )  Maximum Return : Unlimited


Booked half  at 110 = 110*500 QTY = Rs 55000


Booked Fully at 165 = 165*500 QTY = Rs 82500


Total Premium Received ( 5700 CE + 5200 PE ) = 55000+82500 = Rs 137500


So by investing Rs 55000 in this Long Strangle Nifty Option Strategy you would have received Rs 137500 ( 2.5 times the money invested )  in just 8 days & that too with limited risk involved.


Return on Investment:


Amount Invested : Rs. 55000

Profit Earned : Rs. 82500

Return on Investment : 150% in 8 days

Annualized Return : 6843 %




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Currently, we are offering the following services :


Quick Gains Premium Plus:


The subscription charges are as follows:


  Charges ( Rs ) Discount (%) Prices after Discount ( Rs )
Monthly 4500 0 4500
Quarterly 13500 15 11500
Half Yearly 27000 25 25000
Yearly 54000 35 35000




The subscription charges are as follows:


  Charges ( Rs ) Discount (%) Prices after Discount ( Rs )
Monthly 3500 0 3500
Quarterly 10500 20 8500
Half Yearly 21000 30 15000
Yearly 42000 40 25000







Ankit Chaudhary

Technical Analyst & Derivatives Strategist

Analyse India


  1. Ashutosh
    September 22, 2012

    Great returns Nooresh. I have bought Nifty bees to track the Nifty and take benefit of it. Do you suggest to add more in declines if expecting nifty to cross 6000 or should one book profit?

    Pls suggest….

    1. Nooresh
      September 28, 2012

      Would suggest buying junior bees on further declines or accumulate


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