1. Satyam – Recommended in Analyse India Quickgains Newsletter - 26th July
Satyam – Both targets 89-95 were achieved by 16th August 2012
2. Tata Global – Recommended in Analyse India Quickgains Newsletter - 26th July
TataGlobal – Both targets 130-137 were achieved by 17th August 2012
3. ZICOM– Recommended in Analyse India Quickgains Newsletter – 1st August
ZICOM – Both targets 60-65 were achieved by 10th August 2012
Last 2 days left to subscribe to our " Analyse India Quick Gains Nifty50 Newsletter " service at an introductory price of Rs 2500 per month.. Charges applicable after 21st August - Rs 3500 per month. HURRY and avail a 1000 Rs discount .
Contact Ankit -09899899989 for any queries.
Best Regards
Nooresh Merani
August 22, 2012
Now that 89 and 95 has been done by Satyam. Do you see any further move ( a level like 105.70 / 110) until it retreats back to 90 level?
August 24, 2012
Was expecting it to take a puase around 95 odd levels but it went one way. Now lets c will review on dips.
August 23, 2012
Really liked the article. I will surely subscribe to your post.