Dabur India — Finally a Breakout.



This is the only FMCG stock which has not performed and have been waiting since quite some time to see a nice volume tick with price movement.

Today we got one which indicates that every dip till 106 can be bought with a small stoploss.

Target Price 114/122. As its FMCG so low beta stock so one can keep small stoplosses and big targets.


Disclosure: Have initiated a buy at 107-107.8 today. Will be recommending the same on CNBC too.






  1. Sachin Advai
    April 13, 2012

    Hello Sir
    Whats your view on Glenmark Pharma, i dont know if you track it, but seems to have broken out of a down trending line after many months of consolidation . Thanks

    1. Nooresh
      April 13, 2012

      Hi Sachin,

      Have recommended the above stock on cnbc today.

      We took a buy yesterday around 315.

  2. mani
    April 14, 2012

    hello sir , can you pls share your views on banknifty from here ?

    1. Nooresh
      April 16, 2012

      Hi Mani,

      I dont take a very close look on Bank Nifty generally and for now would wait for RBI policy before taking a bet.


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