The Small Retail Investor !!

This is one of the incidents which happened with me?


The concerned person has been trading and investing for quite some time now. We had a quick trading call on 3i infotech some time back which i just happened to mention after a detailed talk on BOC and NESCO:).


I would like readers to put in their comments for the cloud box.




The chap was ready to put 1.6 lakhs in a 16 rs stock 🙂 but not buy 100 shares of BOC India or NESCO at 300 and 550 respectively.


Will be discussing many such issues;)


One of the major one being Patience/ Absolute calculations and Leverage.


Happy Investing,


Nooresh Merani


  1. smit
    March 5, 2012

    That’s Why small Investors will remain “small” coz of their thinking only…!!!
    Sir U Should Write Book on “Behavioral Finance/Investing” !!!
    Sir Pls Give ur View on Nifty March Month Expiry around at what level ???
    (very tough) but ur prediction will be near to the real truth !!! 🙂

    1. nooresh
      March 5, 2012

      Well i am bad at behavioral finance and make hell lot of mistakes 🙂 I might right a book on investing mistakes 😉

      Nifty cant have an expiry view but expecting a short term bottom at 5150-5250.

  2. Dhiraj Mark
    March 5, 2012

    hahah… good one Nooresh…. think this is a great example of a small retail investor…it also tells about the mind set of a retail investor…. good one….great going..
    and this is what majority of us do…..
    By the way I brought Nav Bharat on your recommendation and by no means its a cheap stock.. 🙂 🙂
    Take care, warm regards
    Dhiraj Mark

    1. nooresh
      March 5, 2012

      Well not all do the same.

      Today the investors have become more knowledgeable 🙂 I was looking into MF inflows.

      Nbventures will test patience.

  3. Nitin Karwa
    March 6, 2012

    Bang on. Another e.g is stock like Honeywell Auto or Fag Bearing. Insytead of understanding the amount of investment one wants to put it, people often presume smaller price = bigger gain. This comes from lack of knowledge about the methodology behind a share quoted price on exchange. Really sad

    1. nooresh
      March 6, 2012

      Yes Nitin.

      Just the comic to bring it to everyone notice.

      10 to 12 is equivalent to 10000 to 12000 🙂 mathematically.


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