Few Large cap stocks – Reliance Inds, SBI and Infoys and Mahindra & Mahindra












Happy Investing,


Nooresh Merani


  1. Smit
    March 7, 2012

    Nooresh Sir,
    Greetings !!!
    I am Impressed By Ur Honest Prediction Using Technical Analysis + Fundamentals !!!
    Would Like To “Suggest You” That Pls Learn Some Astrology 😀 !!! i was reading some article about Stock Market Astrology and in that i found “99% High-Lows Made in Stock Market Indicies , Stock Prices are made on Full Moon Day & No Moon Day” .For Instance i remember it was the day “kali-chaudas”(amavasya) October 2008 sensex made low till 7900 approx & then the trend change,,,,
    Even that Article also Mentioned That ANY January Month’s High-low are Support-Resistance till July-August !!! 🙂

    Keep It Up Ur Good Work 🙂

    1. nooresh
      March 9, 2012

      Hi Smit,

      I am not much of a believer in astrology but no point in reading on it 🙂

      Somehow astrology and finance dont mix up as per one of the good astrologers you cannot give magnitude on market impacts 🙂 so does not make enough sense using astrology for financial predictions 🙂

  2. Raju
    March 7, 2012

    Hi Nooresh Ji,

    Recently you recommended a power named company. I was already holding it prior to your recommendation. However, it is a very illiquid stock. Should we continue to hold (Numeric)?


    1. nooresh
      March 9, 2012

      Numeric seems a buy at 250-230 till the time it announces future plans and dividends. Can review after clarity.

  3. naresh
    March 7, 2012

    Is M&M a technical pick of investment pick? I would love to invest in it for long.

    Pls let me know if one can consider it as an investment and worth it or if any other stock you can think which can give better returns than it. I am open for it.

    good website love it


    1. nooresh
      March 9, 2012

      Hi Naresh,

      M&M looks a good bet on levels of 640-670 and a stoploss below 630

  4. Jagdish
    March 8, 2012

    What will be the Unitech & GMDC target in 1year.

    1. nooresh
      March 9, 2012

      No view on unitech but can expect 250-300 on gmdc

  5. Vijay
    March 14, 2012

    Hello Nooreshji,
    I follow your blog and also follow you on twitter…and I admire you for your timely indications which helps investors like us…
    I wanted your advice on a specific stock which I bought during the rally of 2008 and then when the sensex crashed, i have been carrying heavy losses on this stock. I had bought Ansal Properties at around Rs.1100/- per share in 2008. Then onwards, when ever I bought the stock to average out, it fell further…now it is around Rs. 35/- per share and I am staring at huge loss… What should I do.. I have 700 shares at average cost of Rs. 180 per share. Do I further average it or sell all and get out of the stock…
    Will this stock ever rise again… Please advice…


    1. nooresh
      March 14, 2012

      Hi Vijay,

      I would suggest not to average losses. If the investment is good it will give returns over time.

      You can put fresh money somewhere else in defensive stocks.

      At current levels i would not consider much downside in Ansal.


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