Stock Technical Views – Review

Well out here i would not like to write a long post as people are not interested in reading about past recommendations but whats there for now and that is the approach which kills a trader or investor.

One needs to look for consistency and justified trades 🙂 else there is no business being done and only speculation. Thats the reason i try to substantiate recommendations with a brief about our detailed technical study on the stock.

- > Oswal Chemicals 24 to 29 though it did 40 +

- > UNITED Phos did a stop hit and bounced back>
- > Sugars we recommended to shift from all dabba stocks to Rajshree, Renuka, Sakthi and Triveni. All gave a move of 15-20% a clear turnaround for portfolios.

- > The next sectoral bet we took was Metals – Hindalco 225 to 245, Tata Steel 654 to 704, Sterlite Inds 174 to 193 and still we remain bullish on the same.

- > Subex Systems 78 to 85.

- > Delivery Gains – Mirc Electronics 21 to 25, Mahindra Ugine 59 to 66, Tata Elexsi 265 to 320.

And many more other stocks like IDBI,Bajaj Hindusthan, Mphasis etc were recommended in our free trial.

Other Delivery Gains Picks like GEI Inds, Vivimed Labs are now talk of the street after 15% jump.

We have started with a new Derivative Advisory Pack which is meant for FUTURES traders. All the above calls like Metals and Sugars were given in this product giving super returns.

Charges Rs 5000 per month/ 13500 per qtr.

A free trial was provided for 3 weeks.

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1 Comment

  1. M J
    January 4, 2011


    thanks again for all your recos and detailed analysis.
    as you have mentioned, we learnt from history that we never learnt from history..

    keep teaching us new things that will help us in future



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