Koutons Retail, Cranes Software, Garden Silk Mills


Koutons RETAIL :

Another set of example where its better to avoid stocks which are in a systemic downtrend  and not try to do a bottom fish.

Fundamental concerns have always been high with Retail Stocks. I would also be highly skeptical of companies like Kouton, Cantabil, Farmax as its a difficult business model to emulate like Pantaloons.




Cranes Software : Another stock which as just went one way down and got de-listed from NSE but still trades on BSE. The company looked pretty interesting on fundamentals but there was no signs of technical trend change anytime in last 1 year since i started looking into them. Good i gave it a miss 🙂




Well after two killing starts this is a good breakout stock which could head to 120. Garden Silk Mills.


Stocks to watchout for:

Atlas Copco , TRF look interesting stocks in the defensive category. Also one can have a look into Marico with a target of 20% annually for people who would like to have some defensive stocks.


Entegra Limited seems some speculative built up seen.


Also later in the week if i get time would like to post on the ADVERTISEMENT DUMPING STOCKS like Birla Power, Zenith Birla, Birla Cotsyn and some more in which suddenly company starts posting TV Ads as a useless expense of shareholder money.

End result the stocks drop 20-40% after a normal upmove where gullible investors end up buying at the top.





  1. venkatesh
    October 1, 2010

    Cranes Software- I purchased crane software at 40 and then at 27 and then at 14 and now i have booked loss at 7. I was lured by its value. After u r advice i exit the company.

  2. hesh
    October 2, 2010

    Dear sir
    u right on ur view that dont buy bottom fishing stock but some times that bottom out stocks are more interesting when they try to pause or consolidate near support & try to buy there with that support level SL. but it only possible by perfect chartist. As of me i try to find that & same that Punj lloyd i told u in comment @110 hit 135.
    another 1 is 511607 Shloka Infotech Ltd gud fundamental & looking attractive for buy


  3. urmil
    October 19, 2010

    Respected sir,
    plz advice me on cerebra intigrated,i have 4900 share,i want to know abt its feature and e-waste plant.plz try yr level best for me.
    urmil desai


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