Announcements and Free Seminar in Mumbai on April 3rd.


As promised last week about free seminars being conducted in various cities ( we had in chennai day before) i am pleased to announce a free seminar in Mumbai on April 3rd.

The seats are limited to 85 and is on first come first serve basis.Readers can invite their friends/colleagues/brokers etc.

On the link below the seminar details are mentioned. If we get time we may also cover Sensex the next multibagger presentation. 

For any queries regarding the registrations call Asif : 09833666151.

For free TRIAL of INTRA DAY CALLS register on the link below. 

For any queries regarding the registrations for Intra day calls call Shams : 09819919725.
People interested for alliances/mutual benefit or organizing Training Sessions in their city call Kazim : 09821237002.

To streamline our services and quick solution of queries regarding our services note the following nos.

Asif - 09833666151     -  Advisory Services /Seminars

Kazim : 09821237002 -  Trainings/Alliances

Shams 09819919725   -  Intra Day Calls and Free Trials.  ( He is our Intra Day Analyst ) 

Mail : 

Continue to read the blog for further interesting announcements.By this weekend even the template for the blog would change with more features.

Best Regards,




  1. bhavin
    March 31, 2010

    hey grt work..
    nice site
    but where is the forum where we can talk to norresh sir?

  2. karan
    March 31, 2010

    Yes! Me too. missing that li’l chat box

  3. Admin
    March 31, 2010

    Soon the chatbox will also be incorporated 🙂 …. Till then u can use the comments section



  4. A C Roy
    March 31, 2010

    Interested to join seminar. please register and let me know the venue and time.


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