Hi Friends,
We have been planning lots of things and many more would be coming in the next 3 months. More trainings, more seminars, various services, blog migration and lot more.
Technical Analysis Training sessions and tentative schedule. ( if we get more/less entries as per centre the schedule might change so book your seats asap )
5th and 6th December
19th and 20th December
Hyderabad / Banglore
26th - 27th Decemeber or Jan 2nd - 3rd
( Please confirm at the earliest so a schedule can be fixed )
Delhi/Mumbai/Ahmedabad in next 3 months. Mail to analyseindia@gmail.com.
The course fees are Rs 14,000
( This seems high to people.But traders bet/lose lakhs of rupees on unknown stocks with no analysis but dont like to put in a small self development fee for a LIFETIME !!! )
Inclusive of :
Lunch/Tea at Venue.
Historical End of Day Data.
End of Day Data for 1 year.
Charting Software ( training on how to use )
Back up Support for next 1 month.
Mumbai people have an option to sit with us in the evening analysis for 2 weeks.
Course will be conducted by Mr N S Fidai and Nooresh Merani.
1) For whom is the course meant for ?
The course requires no prior knowledge of technical analysis.Its a must for people who are involved with market be it part-time or full time. The general audience is investors, traders, professional corporates and brokers. The aim of the course is to make you independent and come out with analysis like we do on the blog and decide for themselves in a result oriented manner.
2) Are 2 days enough ?
The course has been designed in a manner to include everything important and above all effective analysis which are actually completed in 1 1/2 day and the last session is mainly for practical analysis.
Its a misconception that technical analysis is some rocket science. One needs to apply simple methods and practice it over time.
3) How much time do i need to give after the course ?
We expect participants to be able to remove 1 hour a day or 2-3 hours in the weekend to practice ( this later becomes a habbit ) . Majority of the people surf on the net more then the above time.
I would cut the questions part here as it can continue forever. People having more queries can call me after market hours. But yes i would recommend the course to everyone who is involved with markets. Its one investment which is definitely a multi-multi-bagger 🙂 with returns from next day onwards !!!!!!!!
We plan to conduct seminars on why to use technical analysis, Our long term view - Sensex the next multibagger ... a technical view and different topics to create an awareness about
The seminar will be organized for colleges,broking houses,investor groups, blog readers. If people are interested to join the seminars or can organize the same in their city/organization please mail to analyseindia@gmail.com
Exhibition :
ANALYSE INDIA would be showcasing their products in the Times of India Finance Investment Show
Bombay Exhibition Centre - NSE Exhibition Complex
Goregaon (east )
December 5 th and 6th 2009
From next week onwards on yahoo as well as on SMS. This would be free updates whenever we find time to update or if there is something we would like to share in the day.
Yahoo messenger id
One of our team members will be posting few intra day calls from this id. Please do your own risk management and research when taking the trades with discipline. Add the id on your list.
We would also try to post SMS on market updates. Please mail to analyseindia@gmail.com with your details or fill the small form given in the posts below.
BLOG Migration :
We are planning to migrate the blog to a self hosted wordpress website which may have some more features. Looking towards what are the requirements/expenses and more before we confirm the same.
MUCH MUCH MORE to come in the next few months. The blog would be updated as usual but instead of the 10 posts a week i might come down to 3-5 posts.
Best Regards,
09819225396 ( after market hours only )