Nooreshtech – Blog an update

Just updating on the services which we provide and a few posts below have been made on the same so that the details remain on the blogger database. So the links below will take u to the services and also some posts below on details. 

For past performance, reports, presentations check right sidebar links. 

Although the above post was meant for our services but while surfing the blog  just happened to realize a few facts and cant stop myself from posting it. 

1) 1000 posts on the blog !! if i put that to no of my words or sentences would be more huge !.Click on archives column for any of the old posts.

2) More then 500 technical charts posted till date -- Check slideshow through picassa album 

3) 2 1/2 yrs of daily updates. 

The blog was started in May 2006 before used to posts on orkut communities before that. Since October 2006 has been updated daily with hardly any off days 🙂 

4) 4 lakh 25 thousand hits since Dec 06 with visitors from all over the world. 

Would like to thank all our readers for the last few years to making this blog a great platform to share thoughts, ideas, learn and much more.Hope to see more comments/suggestions/critic 
ism in the future.

Best Regards,




  1. Deepesh H Merchant
    July 17, 2011

    Dear Sir,

    Can you give an update on Bengal and Assam. I have purchased the same at an average rate of Rs. 360/-. Should I continue to hold and average at CMP.

    1. nooresh
      July 18, 2011

      Hi Deepesh,

      My initial coverage on the stock was at 220-260 zones.

      Fundamental Value remains but right now market is not interested.

      I would suggest to hold and add below 220-180 zone.

  2. Deepesh H Merchant
    July 18, 2011

    Thank you sir.



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