This is the sentence on everyones speaking about ... I ll wait for some dip and correction , i m totally on cash for a long time now ....Isnt it the best thing to do !!!
Quite a lot of people will agree with this ..............
Well i dont ... My strategy is simple .. Investing and trading is some serious business and u dont stop your business when there is an opportunity to make money ./....If there is an opportuit to make money why not grab it ... I know half the people waited at 14k for something lower or bought n then sold of quickly and never entered again waiting ... Now at 18k there are still a whole lot of stock opportunities available if u can find them:)
I know some people i ll tell them buy Torrent Power at 85-90 now also its good ... They will say i will wait it has run from 70 odd ... The stock would then hit 100 + levels and then they woud buy on dips at 96-97 .... So in the end they would buy 10 % higher and satisfy their ego of buying low .....Well some who dont at 96-97 will not get a chance coz it already is at 120 + and might catch it on the way down and wait for some weeks again 🙂 and then say the stock is not moving after i buy
Sensex View :
Sensex continues to remain bullish till it sustains above 17300 levels .. .Higher side could see 18250-18500 levels... The best thing is to be highly stock specific as there are whole lot of moves in the market which will continue till the markets remain in positive bias above 17300 levels
Power Stocks continue to rock the streets....TORRENT POWER hits 20%%% does 122 🙂 ...reco price 70 .. of late recommendations GIPCL and SUZLON rock up 10-15% frm reco 🙂 ..Also recommended neyvyeli Lignite at 113 today watchout for it carried home 😉
Keep a watch on BIRLA POWER for quick moves above 37
Our bTST holdings in Punj Lloyd , Suzlon , NTPC rocked today ....
NEXT SECTORAL Investment View :
Construction and Infrastructure , Const equipments
The construction and const equipments companies are seeing good buying interest in the last few weeks,... Only stocks recommended to clients were HCC at 130 with investment tgt 170 , Punj Lloyd at 260 and Gremach Infra at 195 now at 265 ....We did recommend Era construction at cheap levels though 🙂
All pure construction companies ( less of land bank valuations which is a lil dicy to valuate ) should see good buying in coming days as soon the completion of projects and the effects to trickle into the books... Many of these stocks have gr8 overfilled order books and some may also be related into power projects so do ur research
My Picks :
Hindustan Construction Shree Precoated Steels Patel Engineering , Era Constructions , BEML , DS Kulkarni and some more to spread ur risks...
Do your own research and find the best among the lot as i believe there is a whole lot of re rating which will take place in next 1 week to 3 mths with good gains 😉
Stocks for Now :
Bharat ELectronics buy for next 2-5 sessions with a stop of 1840 tgt 1950 -2050
CIpla Buy above 193 stop 187 tgt 204-214
Some lines to read:
GNFC , Nagarjuna fert , Chamble Fert and other fert stocks are in good bull grip hold and add more for good gains in medium term... GNFC can do 190 levels
Cipla and other pharmas like ranbaxy should catch market fancy ...Watchout for some good moves to trigger follow up buying
NIIT TECH , 3 i Infotech , ROlta will see good buying as loads of managers who want IT in their portoflio have these choices as the most profitable ..TEchnically all the 3 look rocking can give 5-20% gains in next 3 weeks
South Iron and Steel already recommended is all set for 45 + , Sun flag and Ispat still continue to be market favourites...
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Best Regards,