Sensex made a good dip to 15360 which was close to our support range and bounced back ...Till we dont close for 2 days above 15600 be cautious and very stock specific and trailing stoplosses.. Well the current days volatility and caution is fine but doesnot man to stay away from opportunities ...
KLG systels hits 495 frm 440-460 recommended levels hold on , ELECON engg continues.. Walchand back to 3k hold n hold... Aptech new high ...many more..Emkay Share been recommending for so long hits 150 we were talkin at sub 100 levels ..RPL added to long term starts moving well ,Creative Idea , Jayaswal neco , TFCIL ,weird ideas are moving well .... All our power stocks continue to rock JP Hydro , REL , TAta Power , TOrrent reco at lower levels ...
Stocks to watchout for :
HDIL buy above 545-548 for short term 5-10 % spurt
Rohit ferro and Adhunik Metals continue to hold and add
Watchout for Indian Bank and central bank for quick moves in coming days ....We continue to be bullish on banks ...Dena our fav continues to rock
Godawari power and ispat for intra ckt ...keep stop yest close ..Torrent power for intra day tom
Messages sent in the day to clients :
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 10:35:16 AM): ITC buy small qty for intra day tgt 185
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 11:05:41 AM): Raise stoploss in ITC to 181 and book part at 184
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 11:25:27 AM): ITC achieves intra tgt keep a trailing stop at 183 if u r carrying for short term
( 181 to 185 in te day done )
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 11:39:33 AM): Emkay Share our decl for tgt 150 + ..can be added above 135
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 12:59:10 PM): Book 20 % of holding in emkay at 142-145
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 2:00:50 PM): Emkay Share book half in del tgt of 150 done now next tgt 165 raise stoploss for rest
( buy call at 126-128 150 1st tgt done ... Added at 135 did upper freeze 20 %% in the day ..still holding half del )
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 2:17:27 PM): RPl can add above 125.5-126
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 2:38:11 PM): RPl take btst at 125-125.7 for tgt 129-130 ....Del hold for 140 +
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 3:02:57 PM): BUY MRPL FOR BTST NOW AT 48
Nooresh Merani (9/10/2007 3:07:57 PM): RPL book part 25% of BTST holding at 128.5 ...MRPL tgt 51-55
( RPL frm 125.5 to 129 by end of day booked 25 % of btst rest tom .... Del call frm 115 for tgt 140 + ... MRPL buy at 48-48.2 holding for tom )
High risk call educomp hit stoploss....Many other open calls which cannot be disclosed
Lil tired coz of loads of work ... soon will update more ...
Best Regards,