Sensex continues in its impulsive move as it took of the resistance are of 16400 ... As i have said in the chart shown yesterday the current thrust would go to 16900-17150 .. Short term traders should remove money from index stocks at those levels and wait for declines... Investors should wait .... All the bears have been ruthlessly killed and are still trying to continue shorting god bless them... Well moment these shorters cover at very high levels as said we would be seeing a dip....The exact levels for the dip will be seen as where do we top out in the given range !!
Alert : Short term players stay extreme alert and keep strict trailing stops and stock specific stoplosses and be ready to exit all of your trading portfolio at one go ... Coz the current sceanario doesnot look gr8 on my risk reward and other calculations ... BE HIGHLY STOCK SPECIFIC ... coz all will move a bit in euphoria but will crack badly in reactions...Investors need not worry about reactions rather hope it comes early to give u opportunities to add 🙂
Walchandnagar going more then expected does 4900 hold part qty left , ALPHA GEO ckt frm 160 to 516 and on , NEPC one rate , Petronet lng does 78 , syndicate and jindal soon....
JUST SEE Our power pack : tata power 845 , torrent power 96 ( add more now also ) , Jp hydro 66 , REL 1100 ( double almost frm 590 ) , NTPC 196 ( add on every decline ) ..........All are up 20-90 % up frm reco ... we still maintain bullish for next 3 mths now as 2 mths frm reco and super gains 🙂 🙂 ........................Watchout for Guj inds power for next medium term gains
GMDC does 20% up right away frm reco safe returns so quick man thatsgood hold on .... Saw pipes will soon ...IDBI does 155 + our tgt 170 given at 110-115 and again at 130 🙂
Small cap steel stocks : Multibaggers as i have maintained in my view
ISPAT INDS and SUN FLAG on road to that .....Vikas Metals , Pennar inds can shift to Soutern IRON ( cmp 33.70 odd ) the next addition in the pack 🙂
Now next safe pick TATA CHEMICALS buy in betweem 265-285 for long term accumulate only ....Technically a beautiful cup and handle patter should target 400+ in 6 mths...
Just for the info some of the messages sent to clients :
20-Sep-2007 11:04:12
Buy Petronet LNG now and add more above 69 for del tgt 75-80 ( does 78 today will revise tgt now 🙂 )
20-Sep-2007 11:51:39
MRPL on a move buy fresh for tgt 60 in 2 weeks ( from 52 to 59.6 tgt now60 and 65 🙂
21-Sep-2007 11:08:38
JP Hydro has given a fresh break buy small qty 55.40-56 for btst tgt 59 stop 54.3 ...Investors hold only to all these power stocks given for 6 mths ( booked half at 59 and carried rest and booked at 64+ today )
21-Sep-2007 12:58:56
Carryu JP Hydro part qty say 25\% and enjoy the ride BUY TTML for BTST ( booked part at 37.7 frm 36 ) ...
24-Sep-2007 09:56:24
Remain Invested in TATA TELE investment tgt revised to 45 + .Alpha Geo for intraday ckt andshort term risk pick .. ( DID 42 + intraday call given at 29 still hold ...alpha geo locked )
24-Sep-2007 10:04:50
Hold petronet buy more for tgt 80 + ( added more ...bought at 67.3 then more at 69 again today still holding )
Some other calls which we are holding to Gremach infra frm 195-200 , IDBI frm 115 and 130 , K S Oils frm 54 added more at 76 again , Adani frm 330 , areva tnd frm 1800 , RPL frm 115 just a list of few ... just check todays prices 🙂
Those who want to see the calls sent in the day and are interested in the exclusive services can add me and take the notepad archive...
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS SESSION MUMBAI : Scheduled for Sept 29-30 . do get in touch to confirm your entry ....For more details Nooresh 09819225396 ...Also people from other cities interested mail me ur details so we can arrange a session in the city , Delhi is on cards soon in october ...... An old post giving a brief of the course for more queries Nooresh 09819225396 .For subscription to our client recommendations check for details
Stocks for now :
Chennai Petro ... Buy with a stop of 270 for a tgt of 315 -340 in next 2 weeks to 6 weeks ,,,the only stock which has not moved in the sector ;.
Kirloskar ferrous and Torrent power look good for 10-20% move in next 2 weeks ... keep a stop of 3 %
Weird small cap idea :
ASHCO inds and BDH inds ....Keep a stop of 10% frm yest close tgt 40-60% gains in 3mths
Best Regards,