Ride the bull …………The world was jittery we were not :)


Check the above post to see our views given few days back about a blast in Reliance Inds .... Consistently updated the same to the friends list in yahoo messenger.... Hits 1900 frm 1730 ...that is 10% on reliance in how much time....We maintained our positive view from lower levels of 12300 🙂 ...

Sensex technical targets maintained at 15650 and 16200 and that is what it looks technically and that is i would stay with.. Keep strict stoplosses and see the risk reward .. In case of corrections dont exit your long term picks... Short term positions do keep a track and only take exposure according to your risk apetite now the volatility will start and do avoid leverage and margin postions especially ...Conserving profits will sustain good growth for you in this business ...

DOW Jones hits 14k check how we said about newer highs on DOW at 12500 on it ... Its Pure technical Analysis and dont ask me more about U S economy coz i dont understand all that jargon much about it but i do understand the weird lines and candles on the image given 🙂


Tudor India given 2 days back moves up 10-12% .. DCW , TECH MAhindra , Ace dont trigger buys..

At this juncture i will come out with fresh picks only a few of them which if u forget in your portfolio irrespective of the buy price are and should be accumulated on declines... And please dont see them or ask queries on them where to book just hold n hold n let them grow .. My views on the same ...Investments for 6 mths to 5 yrs slow multibaggers...It is all about vision

Aptech Training , NIIT Ltd and SQL Star

Recommending the stock strongly from 150 levels still hold and buy on every decline..
It is in my favourite sector which is IT training.. Simple reasoning forget the balance sheet etc.....Can an IT company afford to allot senior team managaers , leaders and architects ( whose bills they make at enormous rates mannn ) to train employees who r freshers or new to a project. They cannot so external training and alliances , tie ups etc etc etc are the growing need. Only listed options and the biggest network in INDIA is Aptech n NIIT .. SQL Star is into corporate training in IT which is very niche but a small cap so take lesser exposure..EDUCOMP was one which i strongly recommended at 400 levels but not advisable to add now but hold .

Shiv Vani Oil , Aban Offshore ( reco frm 1200 ) , Sea mec ( 175 1st reco ) , LnT , Alpha Geo ( 160 )

All the above stocks are foraying into Oil rigs which are in the best demand .. The crude oil prices increasing will always be a boost but the paucity of the rigs owned by them is the main trigger.......And all these cos have increased rigs and vessels .. All the lease contracts were for long term and are set for renewal in the years 2007-2009 and every renewal will spring a surprise...

Bartronics recommended at 135-140 now at 175 should fall into the category with lower exposure ....detailed view when i get more time...

Will continue with the section in coming days .. Advisable to buy the above stocks on a systematic investment plan ( Sip ) so the buying price is not a concern but the amount of money allocated at the end or start of the month is the thing...

Stocks for Short term trading : ( do Keep stoplosses in all stocks and buy on above levels if given is the way i like it )

Jyoti Structure

Buy till 200 tgt 240+ in short term ...recommended before also ... Going cheap compared to its peers..

TATA Tele and Nagarjuna Fert ...Watchout for the 2 stocks hotting up on charts .. I would recommend more of delivery trading in cash as FNO limit creates a prob at times in them..Above 29.7 and 25.6 if sustains both could lead a powerfull rally ..

Garden Silks only for high risk traders keep a stop ot 3-4 % tgt 15% + in 2 weeks ..


Mumbai July 21-22 and July 28-29..

Do register and confirm if you are serioulsy interested ...mail or call me 0981922596

For a brief detail check this old link : https://nooreshtech.blogspot.com/2007/03/technical-analysis-session.html

New Post for Monday is written below this one do check it out for more info 🙂

Best Regards,



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