High Alas……..Gains Always though if u know how….

Sensex one more close needed above our level .......... Target Zome 14900-15200...Gaps have been left on the way up which is not a good sign in the longer run ....

ERA CONST given at 360 few days back hits 405 and still more to come...D S Kulkarni hits 2 5% freeze......... Nagarjuna COnst frm 179 to 190 in the day itself given yest .......Much more given to clients which rocked ....

Walchandnagr hits 2100 + ( said at 1600 ) still good ...Alpha Geo 450 ( nearly triple ) .. Deep takes a breather... PNC too ,... much much more as usual...Adorwelding hits 1st ckt few more...

Above all this was the free sms sent to all readers

ERA CONSTRUCTIONS above 383 ,NAGARJUNA above 182CONSTRUCTIONS , SIMPLEX INFRA above 395 ...This are good for short to medium term with breakout levels as said

Stocks to watchout for Now :

Aptech buy for short term ...Long term double in 1-2 yrs easily ...

Bongaigaon Refinery buy with a stoploss of 48.5 tgt 54

High Risk High Return

Buy higher side calls of MTNL and VSNL and sleep for this month or buy in futures as per your risk profile for this expiry ..

CKt hitter for the day :

Nectar Life sciences


Just A thought

Well if i see a simple calculation for a normal trader who buys our stocks and plays safe our subscription is done in one day or few days ....
( brokerage also included in calculations by tweaking entry n exit )

100 era say at 370 and then again added 100 at 385 breakout .. = 76000 investment sold half at 405 as said .. profit = 3500-3800

Nagarjuna 200 @ 180 = 36000 . sold at 188 half profit = 800

Punj Lloyd BTST given 200 at 270 = 27000 sold half at 278 profit = 800

REL 100 @ 594 = 59400 sold at 605 half and hal at 630 as said and add on declines now. profit = 2600

Nicholas BTSt taken 200 @ 311 sold at 318 half profit = 800

total profit = 7000-8000 ( Havent included some calls which are still open and yest continuation forget the investment super gains )
In some others where stoploss hits few times u lose say 2000 max... 5000 profit in a day with no margin trading . ... see percentage gains not rupees people ...thats the way we calculate ...

5000 profit at the least amount invested in trading forget about the investment calls which keep adding to ur pocket ...

Am still not putting FNO othewrwise one trade is enough...This is just a calculation of sound business with appropriate risks and rewards taken care off .

Regular readers can mail us their Contact Details like Name , City , Occupation and Phone no to our mailing address noorrock2002@gmail.com .If we have some free investment ideas and calls which we would share very rarely may come to you through a sms from Analyse India 🙂

FOr our SMS service + newsletter + yahoo messenger check https://analyseindia.blogspot.com for details and mail to noorrock2002@gmail.com for payment details.... Honest technical analysis and market reading




meraninooresh@yahoo.com noorrock2002@gmail.com

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