Dow is down ………Opportunity for us !!!

Sensex continues to look good and my short term support is at 15550 levels and declines should be used to buy good breakout stocks which may give a good entry price due to global pressure...

At 11 in the night i get messages dow is down and all ... well there is nothing wrong in it going down ...when DOW went non stop from 12500 to 14000 nobody in the world bothered isnt it ... and why lose ur sleep for wats happening ... Dont worry about the global pressure ... see the internal strength in our markets... ....All people love to do is discuss about the indices just to satisfy themselves and kinda feel intellectual ..

Get out of it look for where u can make money and not where the U S economy is going , Japan yen is going .... u r not FII or Morgan Stanley .....................U r just an investor , trader and supposed to look for where u can make money and not where the world is making 🙂

Mangalore Chemicals our investment call given today to clients hit 20%% freeze ... Guess what today Merill Lynch and Credit Suisse two of the biggies bought huge quantities today ..Well we only knew abouth the technical breakout which was possible anytime ...........

Smell the news before the world does ...

Another example :

Oil Country had continously been recommending at 25-27 levels as a multibagger in coming months ... But its just everybody wants to see money the moment they buy anything .............Now the stock is at 90 and the world is talking about the big pipe story hahahahahah ....Check the link for urself

2 -3 mths i had been continously talking about shipyard industry as to be the next outsourcing boom and should catch fancy ....ABG and Bharti Shipyard were my pick both r up 25-3o % up and had written soon brokerage reports will com e.............Now go n see the reports are coming up frm every brokerage fiis etc etc....

HDFC ltd and JP hydro both gave a good move and still can be bought on declines ,,,,,Ferro alloys weird pick hits 3 ckts ... Foundry fuel also going good 🙂 ....

Stocks to buy for extreme short term in A group if there is a gap down are tomorrow

Jindal Stainless , NTPC , JP Hydro , Reliance , HDFC all look good for investment

Investment stock for long term :

Mangalore Chemicals and fertilzers on declines till 22-23 , Nagarjuna Fertilizers till 24 .. Buy and hold this stock for 3 mths to 1 yr expect a tgt of 35 + on both

Weird Small cap Idea :

Harig Crankshaft

Huge orders were supposed to come from tata motors and many sharekhans and other brokerages bought at higher levels ... now available at a good price 2.02 ... Can go back to 3.5 levels again ....

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS SESSION Schedule :Mumbai July 28-29.. confirm ur entry

Another session for delhi being planned interested people contact me to register so we can fix a good date .

I have not been able to handle any queries through the chatbox or other ways ... Now one good way i can do for all my readers is patiently try to solve queries in this week and weekend in the given timings...Also will try to see how we can do online conference through yahoo ...

Weekdays Nooresh 09819225396 ( 5 pm to 6.45 Pm )

Weekends ( after ( 3 pm only )

Best Regards,


09819225396 and

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