Skumars saying frm 82 hold for this expiry see today 99 its kinda on a single lot u make 35-39 k that is more then the margin on the buy itself 🙂
Below are the messages on how we updated on SUZLON n SKumars n some others...Some of the messages even went to our free list....
Pure technicals can work so fine who wants the news then 🙂
26 June 2007
meraninooresh (10:08:17 AM): Skumars we maintain buy n hold ...Add more if sustains above 92.5-93 ...
meraninooresh (10:11:16 AM): Buy skumars now and add on declines for ext short term tgt 95-104
meraninooresh (1:07:19 PM): Suzolon strictly BTST if sustains 1410...
meraninooresh (2:15:59 PM): Suzlon abt to give a big breakout watchout
meraninooresh (3:15:28 PM): Suzlon book half n take half home
meraninooresh (3:27:11 PM): Skumars on the move in the end
27 June
meraninooresh (10:50:41 AM): Suzlon buy arnd 1425 -1430 for shor tterm
meraninooresh (10:51:07 AM): Hold Suzlon BTST add arnd 1425-1430
meraninooresh (11:11:24 AM): Suzlon book half above 1470
meraninooresh (1:29:48 PM): Add TATA Power above 644 for BTST
meraninooresh (1:59:58 PM): TATA Power tgt 654-665
meraninooresh (1:57:49 PM): Suzlon book 25 % above 1495 -1510
meraninooresh (2:11:10 PM): Suzlon can still hold some qty seems a much bigger move in coming days
meraninooresh (3:16:54 PM): Skumars keep booking profits coz many others giving buy calls can lead to selling pressure at higher levels so we can re enter
meraninooresh (3:05:35 PM): Clients book last qty left in Suzlon or keep trailing at 1520 levels
( said this at 1550 )
Above is just a brief of the messages.....Well some other calls were also given some did hit stoploss but the stocks that move give u such gains ke 1-2 stoploss hits are no worries at all ...
SKUMARS just see the links Below for how many times we repeated it
and many more times...
82 to 99 is more then 20% in FNO :))
Best Regards,
09819225396 ( call to know more ) and