MUMBAI SESSION JUNE 30-1 JULY .... enroll coz next session would be after some weeks then we might be on a break ...
We have found a good interest in people in Chennai soon plan to conduct a session there ....Interested people near chennai can sms me or mail to register so we can plan it early for u all arnd July 3rd week ...
Sensex is still not able to clear our 14570 levels ...A close above that level for 2-3 sessions would imply newer highs in extreme short term with a huge short covering move ....So be stock specific with stoplosses on both ur shorts or longs in particular stocks...
Skumars hits 94 still continue to hold....Walchand hits upper freeze ... Freshtrop ppl can try tomorrow gave small qty today n Artson dint give much ...Deep inds yet another ( frm 70 to 91 ) ...Peerless Abasan 100% returns 29 to 60 ... Aventis n Wyeth our fixed deposits on a move..Vindhya Tele hits 10% freeze frm 103 to 138 in 6 sessions ....EIH to start in extreme short term towards 120 ....Indian Hotels retraces frm 154 add arnd 148-150 ...
Bartronics and Godrej did uppoer freeze intraday and good opportunity ..
Lil tired so not updating much ...
Stocks to watchout
EIH ltd if crosses 106-107 expect 120 + in no time
Unity Infra keep a stoploss at 505 n buy ...Or above 525 -528 for 10% upmove
Aventis Pharma and Wyeth one can start booking a little and shift to Engineers India, EIH n Pidilite the risk free slow movers...
Circuit Hitters
Sagar Cements
Gvk Power
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