Patience …..and discipline are followed by MONEY ..

Of late stock specific investments have given good returns for patient people........All the others who want to see the notional money right away are only ending up seeing red in their books all the time........See end of this post for details...

MUMBAI SESSION JUNE 30-1 JULY .... enroll coz next session would be after some weeks then we might be on a break ...

We have found a good interest in people in Chennai soon plan to conduct a session there ....Interested people can sms me or mail to register so we can plan it early for u all arnd July 3rd week ...

Sensex as said 14570 will resist made a high of 14560 on friday . ............

I dont like to give 10 pivot levels n then brag bla bla.....I ll better be wrong then fool arnd ...

Now next we have to see is Sensex crosses 14600-14700 and closes up for 2-3 sessions then we can see a fresh bout of bullishness till then stock specific moves will continue...

Dabur our expiry call is all set to touch our tgts of 107-114 ...

Stocks to watchout for Now :

Indian Hotels looks good ....minor resistance at 155...If crosses that 160-165 on cards..

Great Offshore our long term favourite frm 600 levels all set for 1k ...

Skumars watchout for 92 close can tgt 100 + soon... Expiry still left as said at 82 .,..

Walchandnagar inds our pick for next 1 yr buy n forget n u will remember us ...Accumulate gr8 story

Weird Small Cap Idea

Peerless Abasan ( 29 to 57 and on ) DNH Welding ( 29 to 37 n on ) Expo GAs ( 40% gain ) ..Karuturi and SQL star are funda stocks so will take time ...

Freshtrop fruits ( 53077 )

The sector is good ....technical speculation is keep a stoploss of 5-8% shud tgt our 20-30% ....With a good mangoes sale in this quarter due to a good crop shud come out with good results ...this is just a speculation as i m not a gr8 funda guy though but vision helps...Being a cyclical business always June results have been spectacular... 8.7 eps last yr for june qtr 🙂 ...

Circuit hitters for the day :

( buy near to yest close and keep strict stoploss at just lower then yest close...Dont jump the gun n buy on ckt 🙂 )


Godrej Inds

Tips Inds

Artson eng and Kopran Drugs ....

BILT call was given to clients few days back at 115 levels again today at 120-121 did 126 ...

Now the whole so called analysts talking about paper and also some placement etc etc........Smell the news technically way before ...

Batliboi and Vindhya Tele are seeing good buying can be accumulated by patient short term players with a view of 2 weeks to 3 mths can give a bounce of June 19

Batliboi 112 hit 123.9 now also good.,...Vindhya Tele 104 now 126 ..........20% returns in no of days 5 sesions................

20% in less then a week but still people are not able to make money ......coz they want to see the stock 2-3% up after buy as u get frm so called analysts and then down n down...

Gammon and Bartronics look good as investments and will be slow n steady gainers ....can take small exposure.....................June 20

Gammon frm 390 to 460 ...Bartronics will start frm tomorrow ....

Pritish Nandy communications written few weeks back long term call see now one side cktssss

DEEP INDS another non stop ckt hitt

Easun reyrolle going towards 1k ...Jindal Drilling also .,............

Smell the News technically much before everyone even starts thinking :))

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