ERA construction an excellent fundamental stock and is going cheap only coz it got implicated in scandals ... FUnda investors just look at the order book and u will buy the stock ......I would wait for it to sustain 380 levels for a good quick target of 420-460++....

DS Kulkarni at the bottom most point of the channel.......So those who like the fundamental story of the stock then this is the right time to accumulate .... Expect a bounce to 300 in good sentiments....

DS Kulkarni at the bottom most point of the channel.......So those who like the fundamental story of the stock then this is the right time to accumulate .... Expect a bounce to 300 in good sentiments....
MUMBAI SESSION JUNE 30-1 JULY .... enroll coz next session would be after some weeks then we might be on a break ...
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