After a long time i would like to post something very different ....
Traders Myths :
1) Rupees and Percentage
Majority of the traders dont understand maths or they dont want to ....
Like i got 10 rs in that call of yours !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bought at 700 and sold at 710 ./.....I say sucker thats just 1.3% of which u will pay .1% to ur broker and in delivery minimum .25% !!!
And on the other hand arre that call of yours dint move much yaar 42 se went till 44.10 only ....I am like sucker that thing moved 5% in the day ........( Hope everyone get the point )
This is one way how half the analysts use it to their advantage the stock XYZ zoomed by 25 rupees when its a 1000 re stock its just 1.5% dude and the buyer and seller are at a difference of 6 rs most of the times ....
The other day i saw an analyst giving profit per scrip haha .... Nifty 20 points , Abb 50 points , Acc 10 ...........that is a super duper 80 Rs in the day .....m like .5% , 1.2% and 1.2% waah waah ...
2) High point of the day !!!!!!!!!!
Statistics are never right in this markets ........
For example half the mutual funds which r say long term show last 3yrs returns 100-120% annually ,....If u take it for 5 yrs its 20%% ....and the other 2 yrs its negative .....Its all about showing a rosy picture ...
Analysts love to talk about the high of the day which can be verified frm the data...............How many shares are traded at the high point of the day ....The survey or real statistics show very very less say .....
So a call like Buy given at 700 touched 708 cool 8 rs .....
Do u think u got 708 or u got to buy at 700 .....And where the hell did it close coz u dint want to exit at rs 3-5 gains ...........
Closed at 693 , stoploss at 690 what the f... was i supposed to do ....
being a pure technicals guy n a simple mathematician i write frm 52 to 59+ or say gave 10-14 % . coz nobody can catch the top nor do i want them to !!!
I ll end the topic here ....So get the mathematics right u r in a business of numbers only guys ...........
Will add in more topics here like .....Double sided view so u never go wrong , Brag for what moves !!! and much more but later
Sensex View : same as before
The view is simple fresh buying above 14k if sustains and if sustains above 14400 for 2-3 sessions will cut bears to cats !!! So 3-4 sessions above 14k will decide the momentum . .........We remain bullish till 13100 is maintained.....
But in this markets we are very stock specific coz markets dont give us the money the stocks we invest in do !!!
Stocks for now :
GVK Power
The stock seems to have given a good breakout and is sustaining at higher levels .... If sustains 380-385 expect good move in near term ....Overall a good investment pick....recommended to clients 2-3 day back ... Still available at same levels so if u wanna play safe n smooth this is it...
Oil Drilling stocks seeing good buying keep watch Shiv Vani , Dolphin Offshore etc ...
Mahindra and Mahindra we maintain negative and will love to kill the stock or short lots n lots if stays below 700 for 650 or much lower targets ...
Zee Tele : Remains a super investment pick .....Short term looks good positional buy with stoploss at 275 and a target of 350 ....
All stocks related to Petrochemicals will be on fire in coming 3-6 sessions ....namely Supreme Petro , TPL , and find others in the group .....SOmething cooking it seems ...Might be some fundamental re rating ....
I think this shud suffice for more add us on messenger
Do u want to learn practical and simple technical analysis then u can join the course as scheduled below contact me for more details ....You will learn from whom i have learned from ...
DELHI SESSION ON MAY 19-20 .............................. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Best Regards,
Nooresh 09819225936 ,