Delhi Session May 19-20 ......this weekend ....
Kolkata Session June 9-10
FOr daily messenger calls :
FOr our services and training in technicals : u can read our mails dating 8800 days ...
Do enroll yourself if you want to learn and earn ......People like to lose in the market but not to spend to learn about it so you are set forever...
Sensex View :
As said before sustaining 3 sessions above 14k will lead to buying and fresh buying above 14400 only will kill bears.... We are one session done .... The rally should ideally target 14900-15050 if 14400 is taken of...
Again as people have started talking about the rally understand one thing dont make the mistakes u did last time !!!! No junk pure good safe stocks and good returns ...If u try for obscene gains u will get nude out here ....Be very stock specific !!!!!
Now all the analysts talking about bullishness etc ....We are now towards churning and profit booking coz we were the ones to talk bullish at 12500 levels ....Many people tell me we lost from 14500 to 12500 i said ok fine ....But then the reply is i have lost more shorting frm 12500 to 13500 🙂 .......
Many of the so called analysts said we are in BEAR PHASE at 12500 .... now at 14000 they say we escaped it and now into bull phase gr8 comedy ..... The idiot box made u sell at 12500 now they make u buy at 14000 not really they ll make u buy at 15000 !!
NIIT hits 4 figs !!!! UTV hits 400 + 20% freeze , Tulip IT continues , Alpha Geo all set again , Mukta Arts back in gears for 120 , Transchem all set for freeeeeezeeeess 30+ soon ,Wyeth moves , GSPL 60 + , WalchandNagar Inds as said 2-3 freeze minimum....much more ......................Safe investments super returns!!!!!
Abg Shipyard n Bharti Shipyard are good investments ...Aptech still good...Oil Drilling rocks!! Go through the links and archives for investment picks if u search or mine this blog there are loads of free ideas to make money from !!!!!!!!!!
Stocks to watch in A group :
High risk high return stock Bombay Dyeing has moved as expected frm 550 to 585 ...Keep trailing or forget till expiry ... Given in the day today at 563 !!!Still a frsh buy above 590 for 650 tgt !!! chart below...
Siemens keep a watch if sustains 1255 expect 1300 + !!!
ITC safest in FNO ...
HIGH risk Super high returns
Buy lots n lots of Idea and forget for next 2-3 weeks ...If crosses and sustains 117 expect one side move .... Buy 120-125 calls n forget it as trading loss and see by expiry !!!
Arvind Mills buy only above 48 for quick 5-10% move
Realty stocks have seen huge buying in the late hours .... Keep watch be cautious and keep strict stoplosses and go long
My picks Era COnstructions and NESCO for 2-4 sessions
Alpha GEO our all time favourite keep holding and add more
There are some more picks will update on messenger !!
Best Regards,
09819225396 BAck Up
Chart of Bombay Dyeing