Those who want to learn the art of technical analysis the way we do it practically and effectively do get in touch soon so we can make you independent in your decisions ... ...we dont take more then 8-10 people max at a time...The course would be conducted by whom i have learnt from and a bit by me.
People SERIOUSLY INTERESTED in learning based in other cities get in touch via phone and send a mail to with your contact details so we can work out the schedule .We would like to know interested people who could volunteer in organizing these courses .
Schedule :
Mumbai 21-22 April
Hyderabad 12-13 MAy
Delhi 19-20 May or 26-27 MAy tentatively
sms me your details to 09819225396 or drop in a mail feel free to call up and know more...
Also those who do not have the interest and time to learn we do have other services also ...Soon we would be shifting to our website in coming weeks ...
09819225396 ( for online updates ) ( back up id )