Construction stocks !!!Had written 5-15% run up in short term done in a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The world lost money in these ............The time is important ....This is the magic of technicals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parsvanath Developers up 18%%%%
Sobha Developers up 10 %%%
Lanco infra up 10%%
Others :
Camphor and Aliied products hits 84 frm 60 odd 30%%% gains
Saksoft hits one more 5%% upper reliance capital will take it uppppppppppppp...
Usher Agro up 10%%+ today ...
Intra Day on Yahoo :
Everest Kanto Cylinder 10%%% circuit
Akruti Nirman 10%%
Escorts hits target in quicktime....
( For services call 9819225396 )