Will be speaking on the topic – Sensex v/s Dow Jones and discussing the long term prospects of Indian equities in Mumbai this weekend. People interested in listening to a lot of technical gyaan can join in.
Details below.
ATMA invites you to participate in 26th Mumbai meeting to be held on, Saturday, 22th December’12 at St. Xavier’s College. The speaker for this meeting will be Mr. Nooresh Merani who will discuss on the topic "Sensex v/s Dow Jones".
Speaker: Mr. Nooresh Merani is a passionate IT Engineer and ace Technical Analyst as well being proficient in picking winners from the mid-cap and small-cap segments. An active member of prestigious forums and groups dedicated to equities. Mr. Nooresh has a track record of identifying major turnaround levels for stocks, indices and commodities. He also started his own blog - nooreshtech.co.in on the Equity and Commodity markets in 2005.
Mr. Nooresh Merani is a Founder Director of Analyse India -www.analyseindia.com.The firm has trained more than 800 individuals across India with training sessions being conducted in major metros and other cities like Ahmedabad, Pune, Indore, Surat. He is regularly invited on the CNBC TV18, Et Now and other business channel to share his views with a larger investor community.
Topic: "Sensex v/s Dow Jones"
The educational meeting will focus on:
Cyclical Nature of Markets - 13 year cycle on Sensex and 17 on Dow Jones.
Comparative Study
A Mirror Image Analysis
Dividend Adjustment
Using Semi-Log Scale on Long Term charts
Midcaps & Volumes
Meeting Schedule :
1:45pm – 2:00pm: Registrations open
2:00pm – 3:30pm: Educational session
3:30pm – 4:00pm: Networking, Tea & Snacks
4:00pm – 5:00pm: Educational session (concluding part)
Venue : St. Xavier's College, 5, Mahapalika Marg, Dhobi Talao, Mumbai - 400 001.
Registration fee: Non-Members: Rs .600/- (Including Service Tax)
Member Discount: 100%, Members kindly log-in & Register for the meeting to receive the discount.
Kindly Note :
• Registrations will open at 1:45pm and close at 2:00pm sharp to ensure the programme starts on time.
• Only when someone has genuine difficulty in online payments may write toevents@atma-india.net requesting ATMA Bank details and deposit the fees at ATMABank account, scan the pay in slip and email the same back with the subject line stating 26th ATMA Mumbai Meeting Fees: First Name Last Name.
• Since seats will be allocated ONLY on a first come first served basis on registering, please do drop back a line to us on events@atma-india.net in case you choose later to not attend the venue so as we can at least give the seat to a wait listed person.
Warm Regards,
Association of Technical Market Analysts
PF 3, Rotunda Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai
Phone: +91-22-2272 2862; Website: www.atma-india.net
December 20, 2012
You are presenting in ATMA very interesting topic of my interest of cycles. I would have loved discussing with you your 13/17 years BSE/DJIA cycles but unfortunately I am travelling today so won’t be able to attend. Lets see if we can discuss this sometime in near future. My idea is/was roughly Sensex follows 8 years and DJIA follows 7.5 years (peak to peak) cycles and commodities 33 years (22 years straight down and 11 years straight up) so would have been interesting to get your view :-).
December 20, 2012
Hi Jigs,
The seminar is on Saturday. Anyways would love to discuss on your commodity cycle theory… Do call me on 09819225396 may catch up some time in Mumbai
December 21, 2012
hi nooresh i wish to attend, do i straight go to venue at 1:45 to register tomorrow ? or can i book now and pay at venue ? thanks
December 21, 2012
you can also cum directly to the venue
December 23, 2012
Your seminar was really insightful. In fact the second part was far more interesting and such simple tools like Price & Volume on mid cap stocks work beautifully.
December 27, 2012
Dear Nooreshji,
Your seminar was an eye opener in terms of the content which was well research.
The small cap understanding was also clear by you. A BIG THANK YOU for sharing.
Sir I am founder of group call Indian Turtles where we ( Traders / Investors / Students ) meet once in a month and share ideas /technical and market. Would be ok if I share some of your views in my next meet which is on the 29th Dec. Kindly do confirm as Sensex understanding and finding are your and your permission is must.
A big thanks any way for share your finding at ATMA meet.
Mayur Sampat
December 27, 2012
Hi Mayur,
You can definitely use the views 🙂
If the meet is in Mumbai would love to attend it.
You can contact me on 09819225396