Views N Updates

Had some work so cannot update much ,...

Technically markets should face resistance at fibonacci retracement area around 13800 ...Testing 13500 and 13300 are immediate supports where one can eneter longs ...Simple strategy is to be stock specific ...

We had been overly bullish on steel but people used to laugh it of as govt gonna screw them etc ...the charts said some other thing and all steel stocks have given a 15-20% move cool na...

Autos we remain negative obviously as steel we are very bullish so negative for auto...

Jyoti Structures has broken out 197 reco at 182 keep holding for 20% safe returns..EIH ltd now attractive at 98 stoploss 93 ...

Mukta Arts one of our recent long term bets has started moving yesterday reminded too hits 83.25 with 5% freeze ..tgts are placed at 120 region if u have patience ...

Stocks that look good :

GUJ Nre coke for swing trading above 53 only ...

Essar Steel above 42-43 levels ...Steel which has not run...

Indian Bank and Dena bank if volumes are picked can zoom little risky trade...

Schedule for Technical Analysis Course :

Mumbai 21-22 April

Hyderabad 12-13 MAy

Delhi 19-20 May or 26-27 MAy tentatively

KOlkatta and Ahmedabad also in the list get in touch wiht me .soon ..

sms me your details to 09819225396 or drop in a mail feel free to call up and know more...




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