Sunday Thoughts– Rakesh Jhunjhunwala–The Eternal Optimist.

Sunday Thoughts

The long weekend got saddened by the news of demise of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala.

All of us market participants have learned and got inspired from him in various ways. His optimism was infectious.

Legends Never Die.

Here are some of his super interviews to go through and learn from.  There are way too many of them. Just putting in a few.

1) Diwali 2008

2) CapitalIdeas interview 2003

3) March 2009

4) The RJ story by himself.   ( A must watch )

Some tributes which are a good read

this ,this and  Manish Gupta

The way he lived 

We all need to keep remembering him and learn to be an Eternal Optimist.

Happy 75th Independence Day

Be an optimist about your Country and yourself and things around you in every possible way !!

Best Wishes

Nooresh Merani

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