Why not to buy on News… anu labs and so on

Although i dont like to comment on not so good stocks or on the manipulations in the market place but this is an exception. Some weeks back just happened to receive a call from a friend who just started investing and a major novice asking me what to do about Anu Labs which he bought around split or bonus time thinking he will make a killing 🙂 ..

All i had to say is best of luck as i still dont understand how companies which are just a few years on the listed space decide to reward shareholders with bonuses and more. Whereas old companies take years and even decades to come out with a bonus.

On a curious note just happened to check the announcements and price movements which clearly show how a lay investor got stuck coz of buying on news and market-makers dumped the stock on news. Volumes and delivery volumes would make the picture more clear but m not interested to delve much more into it.

The above chart is bonus/split adjusted so it becomes easier to understand how the price kept falling after the news and maybe in cases the bonus share wont have been credited into the account leaving no option to the investor.

All in all.... Do good research and a good news or a spam e-mail is not the way to make a killing. I think some other chap also asked me about Vishal Info some days back in a similar manner 😛

Best Regards,


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