Nifty and Broader Market is holding on strong in a weak Global Environment.
In this case any bounce back any bounceback from oversold zones in US markets could be a time where stock specific moves can be big in Indian Equities.
A list of Midcaps and largecaps which are showing relative strength as well as strong technical formations.
Disclosure – Please do read the disclaimer. The author may have exposure and vested interests.
The Open up theme next
We had looked at the Opening up them as a recommendation in Technical Traders Club in Feb end. A good to time to subscribe this service
Have booked out half in all above positions. But continue to like the theme on dips.
A related theme could be Retail and even up Commercial real estate like Nesco.
Couple of interesting charts.
- Good base at 260-280.
- Multiple tops at 320-330.
- Can eventually breakout. Good Risk-Reward here.
Bata India
- Retest of the big breakout done at 1700
- The range continues to contract.
- A big move into all time highs if it can cross 2000 with volumes.
- Can pre-empt here with stops at 1900.
Bandhan Bank
A lot of MFI stocks have been showing relative strength.
An interesting sector to keep on radar.
- Holding above the last highs of Jan Feb 2022.
- Tight consolidation around the breakout.
- Holding strong in a tough market.
- Upside Breakout open till it holds above 320.
- Watch for momentum on sustaining 340.
Two Large Cap Low Volatile Stocks.
- The largest weight in the PSE indices.
- Retest of last breakout done.
- Holding strong in weak market.
- Bigger move above 235-237
Bharti Airtel
- The stock has a tendency to go into sideways move after a breakout.
- Good Consolidation done after the earlier big move.
- Retest of recent breakout of 725 done.
- Can eventually breakout above 780-784.
- Can pre-empt here with a stop of 720.
1 Stock from the Large Cap space nearing 1 year breakout.
UPL Limited
- Saw a deep hit in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and a super fast recovery too,
- In touching distance of the breakout.
- Above 840-850 can blast.
Also do read our latest weekly newsletter. ( The Dow and Nifty part is very interesting.)
NooreshTech Weekly Insights – 29th April 2022
1) Insider Trading Alert
2) Dow and Nifty – Need not go Inline
3) Global Currencies
4) Post Covid World - Nasdaq outperformance fading ( Do read the Dow and Nifty part. Very interesting. )
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