Writing this section after a month. Been a bit busy with work and a lot of action in the midcaps/smallcaps in the market.
The list is longer but very interesting. Some of the links in the tweets below should be bookmarked and re-read.
The new style of #investing is #Commodity #Growth #Investing - Find a #commodity which has gone up 50-100% and buy #listed cos selling it 🙂
— Nooresh Merani (@nooreshtech) February 20, 2017
The big Question- Is the markets overbought / overvalued? - Answer - Yes but are participants leveraged or fully deployed ?
— Nooresh Merani (@nooreshtech) February 20, 2017
1 lac invested 10 yrs back is worth today
Unitech - 8073
Suzlon - 11237
Mtnl - 17409
Jpass - 18063
Rcom - 254934 out of 5 were in NIFTY50
— Ankit Chaudhary (@entrepreneur987) February 19, 2017
A must read for all investors and traders - https://t.co/mHkEEQ4J77.
— Nooresh Merani (@nooreshtech) February 19, 2017
Getting Rich vs Staying Rich: https://t.co/VaERSdiliC
— Ajaya Sharma (@Ajaya_buddy) February 18, 2017
Getting Rich vs Staying Rich: https://t.co/VaERSdiliC
— Ajaya Sharma (@Ajaya_buddy) February 18, 2017
Reading Buffett and Munger is like watching pornography; its fun for that moment but no one actually does that stuff in real life.
— Tarbir Shahpuri (@tarbirshahpuri) February 17, 2017
L&T Finance Holdings at 117 implies A M Naik is right about the stock price of its company - https://t.co/1rreu6AZkD #timepass #randomtweet
— Nooresh Merani (@nooreshtech) February 17, 2017
Topic wise compilation of Howard Mark letters from 2002-2011 https://t.co/SXiALUDbSs
— Anil Kumar Tulsiram (@Anil_Tulsiram) February 16, 2017
#AtlasCycles now down from 690 to sub 400 - https://t.co/bkU6y96Mg2 #pumpandDump ?
— Nooresh Merani (@nooreshtech) February 15, 2017
money is the most universal and most efficient system of mutual trust ever devised.Harari, Yuval Noah. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
— Nooresh Merani (@nooreshtech) February 15, 2017
The Curious Case of the Indian Cement Sector https://t.co/InGtOpt5is #Cement
— alphaideas (@alphaideas) February 14, 2017
Food for thought:
Are you on cash since you are bearish or are you bearish since you are cash?!
Ditto for being bullish!!— Neeraj Marathe (@NeerajMarathe) February 14, 2017
ProsperoTree's presentation on RealEstate was very well received by audience. Thank you all for the appreciation. https://t.co/7fhp22sc6k
— Dhruvesh Sanghvi (@prosperotree) February 18, 2017
SIP Data
> 5 lakhs new SIP registrations every mth
3663 cr SIP flows every mth
Do you SIP too? pic.twitter.com/cMD0R0VZVN— Nagpal Manoj (@NagpalManoj) February 18, 2017
So true of today's markets. Especially small and midcaps. pic.twitter.com/BUYCXmOexf
— Samit Vartak CFA (@SamitVartak) February 13, 2017
Quantum Mutual Fund - recoils!
After 10 yrs of Direct to Customer
Finally says need distributors to grow
Starts Regular Plans with brokerage— Nagpal Manoj (@NagpalManoj) February 11, 2017
— ManishChokhani (@chokhani_manish) February 10, 2017
Maintenance buying is the worst kept secret of Indian mid-cap MF's. NAV smoothening is so rampant that people believe valuations to be real.
— Shyam Sekhar (@shyamsek) February 5, 2017