Interesting Articles for the Week – September 2015

Although i am a terrible reader in terms of books/articles etc but I dont stop trying. Starting this set of articles and links will help me read and all the readers. The list of articles would be on various topics and not only on markets with a little review from my side. Also if you love to read then there is a a regularly updated blog by Nitin Rao - .

Will keep the reads only to top 5 articles i liked. Does not imply they are good or bad but just to put it Interesting !!

1)           Unspoken Truth of Being a Day Trader - by Rahul Tawde

An thought provoking post by a friend - Rahul Tawde. Have always wanted to write on How Day Trading is too Easy 🙁 to lose money, but could not have written as he does :).  You can read his other posts ( Do note - He is pretty sarcastic,rude and can piss you off )


2)           A superb piece on FoodPanda and its troubles

Amazing lines from it.

" This is also the story of a start-up where the culture seems to be: screw processes, screw ethics and screw the company, too; let’s just have a party."

The trouble with Foodpanda

3) Oaktree Memo - Howard Marks

This is a must read memo for every Value Investor and maybe even the whole list of memos by Howard Marks. This is the one of the top to do thing for me - Read "The Most Important Thing" by Howard Marks and his memos.

The current memo talks about Second Level Thinking ! ( Not an easy read )

4) ETF or Mutual Fund - by Prashant Krish

If you are a Mutual Fund Distributor - Then you better not read this one. I have always been a fan of ETFs but only the liquidity which is a big concern as well as the variety.

Nice lines here

As the above table clearly lays out, investing 60% in CNX Nifty tracking ETF and 40% in CNX 100 tracking Index provides the best return which beats the return of almost all Mutual Funds. And best of all, you do not need a Advisor to guide you since all it requires is a call to your broker and buy the concerned ETF’s in the proportion that one is acceptable with.

ETF or Mutual Fund

5) What would it cost to live in a hotel after retirement?!  is a site you should bookmark alongwith and ( Manish is a friend )  for Personal Finance.

I have been in favor of renting instead of buying a flat till its possible. But this is a very interesting perspective of retiring in a Hotel. The numbers may not be precise but is an interesting thought to me but would be audacious and crazy for others.

What would it cost to live in a hotel after retirement?!

Ending the post with a tweet from my team mate Ankit



The Nifty has bounced back on expected lines and my views as a trader it is good to take profits and go light into the event. Investors who lapped up the opportunity should hold on tight and not worry about the Fed rate hike. I have no analysis for the Fed Hike- What will they do and if somebody does have - He is Guessing :).

Disclosure - We continue to remain bullish for the medium to long term with a focus on midcaps/smallcaps. Can digest dips and rallies without being flustered.

For the technical approach and strategy we have detailed it in our last two videos on Nifty.

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