"At one time we had 0 tax for IT Cos.Led to germination of fraud Co's showing cooked profits. Seed Co's pay no tax." My tweet from 29/4/2014
— sandip sabharwal (@sandipsabharwal) August 17, 2015
Kaveri Seeds entry into the F&O segment should be properly investigated. Downhill since then. @Moneylifers
— sandip sabharwal (@sandipsabharwal) August 17, 2015
A simple Debt check list i use : 1. If Lender HDFC Bank -Good 2. No personal Director guarantee reqd in above- Better 3. Zero Debt-Best
— Jayendra Kulkarni (@LibraryEquity) August 17, 2015
CEO to Analyst: pic.twitter.com/s3a5mjhg2R
— Samir Arora (@Iamsamirarora) August 17, 2015
During prior periods when real interest rates were 0%-1%, the forward P/E multiple averaged 11.2x, 33% below the current P/E of 16.7x: GS
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 16, 2015
5 days of relentless selling b4 the news was announced. Did someone know about this before d news was out? #CoalIndia pic.twitter.com/Fhzbw33Y3j
— Ankit Chaudhary (@entrepreneur987) August 16, 2015
Spotted on the London Underground. #Goodweird pic.twitter.com/UchwFz8loa
— Lenovo (@lenovo) August 15, 2015
Very well written.. Must read An entire generation sacrificed. And Google gets its new CEO! https://t.co/wn87EfW9nx
— Ankit Chaudhary (@entrepreneur987) August 15, 2015
So, @MarketTechAssoc removes Elliot Wave Analysis from Level II Exams as well. Nice going
— Prashanth (@Prashanth_Krish) August 14, 2015
Heard on street - "All plans of getting into full time investing on hold now till the markets (esp. the midcaps and small caps recover)" 😀
— Kiran D (@_kirand) August 13, 2015
Misleading ‘equity’ category, arbitrage schemes, attract Rs3,500 crore in July https://t.co/6WNn4IQMcb @suchetadalal pic.twitter.com/RCBHfMT1VC
— Moneylife (@Mldigital) August 13, 2015
In July as per AMFI - net inflows to equity funds 5840 cr Of these 2300 cr is in Arb Funds Actual net inflow to equity = 3500 cr
— Manoj Nagpal (@NagpalManoj) August 11, 2015