Welspun India – All Time Highs and Triangle Breakout

Life Highs Welspun


Welspun India


I have been mentioning my liking for the Texitle sector in all my previous posts. The top picks were Vardhman Textiles and KPR Mills.


Another good company in the sector is setting up into all time highs.

Start of a fresh move ?



Dislcosure – I have vested interests in the stock so please do your own research and do not consider this as a recommendation.




Nooresh Merani

Securities covered above: WELSPUN INDIA

SEBI Registration disclosure – Registration for RIA under Process

Financial Interest:

Nooresh Merani and his family/associates/ analysts do have exposure in the securities mentioned in the above report/article.

Nooresh Merani and his family/associates/ analysts do not have any financial interest/beneficial ownership of more than 1% in the company covered by Analyst.

Nooresh Merani and his family/associates/ analysts have not received any compensation from the company/third party covered in the above report/article ever.

Nooresh Merani and his family/associates/ analysts has not served as an officer, director or employee of company covered in the report/article and has not been engaged in market-making activity of the company covered in the report/article.

The views expressed are based solely on information available publicly and believed to be true. Investors are advised to independently evaluate the market conditions/risks involved before making any investment decision

Also read the detailed disclaimer – https://nooreshtech.co.in/disclaimer






Technical Analysis Training Mumbai – April 18-19


Course Details

Important Features

-> Less of Theory more of practical analysis with lot of examples.

-> Modes of Communication – English/Hindi

-> Learn how to use Meta Stock.

-> 1 Refresher Session any time in 6 months.

-> Small Batch Size of 8-15 participants.

-> Addition to google/whatsapp group of ex participants to continue the interactions and learnings.

The Topics to be covered given on this link or below in the post


Hotel Karl Residency

36, Lallubhai Park Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 058. Maharastra, India.


April 18th and 19th – 2015 – Saturday and Sunday


09.30 a.m – 6 p.m


Nooresh Merani


Rs 16000 ( All inclusive )

PAYMENT LINK ——- https://www.instamojo.com/noooreshtech/technical-analysis-training-mumbai-april-18-/


-> No background or study of Technical Analysis

-> Basic Computer Skills.

-> A serious Interest in Learning Technical Analysis and ready to give time for practicing and continuing the practice.

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