Last we had a nice session in Bangalore in March. The next one now travels to Delhi.
The Investing Lab – Delhi Session – May 30-31st
What’s in store for participants? Book My Seat
Pre-Session Webinar
A 2-hour webinar on basics of financial analysis. Also a lot of reading material to be shared. (A recording of the same will be available)
16-Hour Training
An intensive 2-day training program by Mr. Jatin Khemani, Mr. Puneet Khurana and Mr. Nooresh Merani
Lots of reading material and recorded sessions on Fundamental as well as Technical analysis
Follow-up Webinar
A 2-hour Follow-up Webinar
8 hours Recording of Technical Analysis Course
This is a one day Online Course recording.
“The training does not end but it gives you entry to The Investing Lab (TIL) Community of Stalwart Advisors and Analyse India.”
Post the session we expect participants to be active on
- Value Investing – The Indian way – TIL Google Group
- TIL’s Whatsapp Group
- Continue Reading and Researching (Collaborative Learning)
- Attend meet ups of this Club Members in the future. As its not just enough to put in your 16-20 hours time but a continuous process of researching and learning.
Do read the earlier detailed post for the introduction of course -
Workshop Details – Course Outline
The whole course will be full of examples of Indian listed companies and case studies. The program is meant to be informal & interactive. We will be focusing a lot on Midcap/Smallcap Companies and avoid over-researched Large Cap Companies and rather focus on finding midcaps which can become large Caps. Following are topics to be covered:
- Basics and Power of Compounding (Examples of Long Term Wealth Creation)
- Time Value of Money (Introduction of the concept which will later on be merged to explain the valuation of a company/asset using DCF model)
- Various Asset Classes (Comparison of various asset classes. The big difference in return of equities over FDs and other so considered safe instruments)
- Why is inflation a demon and what makes Equity a preferred asset class for long term wealth creation (How to move from passive allocation strategies (MFs & ETFs) to active direct equity allocation strategies with basic work)
- Fundamental investing and Technical Investing (Differences and Combination)
- Introduction to Value investing (Introduction to Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffet and others and also the concept of intrinsic value and the tenet of value investing)
- Basics of Financial Statements and how they interact with each other? (In an interesting case study – Story Format)
- Understanding the main financial statements using key ratios and methods (Method of inversion and Du-pont Analysis)
- Identification of Good v/s Bad businesses using the above ratios (Real examples of various companies as to how long term wealth was created and destroyed)
- Assessing the management quality
- How to value a company using the financial statements (The basic concept of DCF, valuation of a company using DCF and valuations using relative valuation methods with a company example)
- Margin of Safety
- Various Psychological biases that affect the investor’s returns
- Qualitative analysis of the company
- Simple but a powerful tool – Checklist
- Porter’s 5 force model: Understanding what makes some industries so profitable
- Scuttlebutt process: Its time to realize your edge over institutional investors (with lots of company examples)
- Investing in Trends/Vision/Themes- Not all companies will have super balance sheets and business but an evolving business with huge prospects. How certain companies may look super expensive on historical numbers can be seriously cheap given the future prospects.
- 2-Hour Session on Technical Analysis by renowned Technical Analyst Mr. Nooresh Merani:
– Understanding Long Term Trends
– Patterns for Investors
– Why you don’t need to see too much of indicators and a lot of non sense
– Simple and effective Technical Analysis
Jatin Khemani
Fundamental Analysis
Jatin is a SEBI Registered Investment Adviser. He has over five years of experience in investment analysis and portfolio management. In his last stint with a Delhi-based brokerage house he was solely responsible for the research activities of the organisation right from picking new ideas to tracking the existing portfolio thereby assisting the directors in managing the proprietary book. He is a graduate of Delhi University and earned his MBA in Finance from Christ University, Bangalore. Further, Jatin has completed all 3 levels of examinations of the Chartered Financial Analyst (“CFA”), USA in his first attempt. Thanks to his admiration for Mr. Peter Lynch & Mr. Phillip Fisher, Jatin has over the years become proficient in Scuttlebutt; a primary research method to find out truth about a company or an industry. Jatin is a visiting professor in various CFA Training Institutes and MBA Colleges in Delhi, where he teaches Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management. Jatin is also an active volunteer with The Art of Living since 2006, where he leads state level fund-raising campaigns.
Puneet Khurana, CFA
Fundamental Analysis
Puneet is an experienced, research focused investor who has been associated with various India focused hedge funds for a period of over four years. He is a CFA® Charter holder and has completed his MBA from MDI Gurgaon where he studied under renowned value investor and Professor Sanjay Bakshi.A self-proclaimed Charlie Munger fan, Puneet has tremendous academic and practical interest in Value Investing and Behavioral psychology and is an avid reader of books on multiple disciplines including Science, Psychology, Biology, History etc. He has been the lead trainer for Crusaders Financial Academy® and Pristine® in Mumbai where he trained CFA students for all levels. He has also given guest lectures in various MBA Colleges on Investing and behavioral finance. He has also written a widely followed series, ‘Wit, Wisdom and Charlie’ on mental models for a popular value investing website (Safal Niveshak).
Nooresh is an IT Engineer by qualification and Advisor & Trainer by profession. He is the Founder atAnalyse India (, an advisory-cum-training organization. He is a consultant for an institutional broking firm, Asian Market Securities. He has been actively blogging for the last 8 years with detailed, crisp and accurate views on Indian Stock Markets as well as global indices and commodities. He is an expert in technical analysis which is evident by his brilliant track record of finding turnaround points in the index. He is quite regular on business channels like CNBC TV18 and ET Now.
The Investing Lab Workshop
30th and 31st May, 2015
9 am to 6 pm
Venue :
To be decided soon.
Rs 18000