We continue to believe that stock specific action will continue and have shortlisted some interesting low risk high reward opportunities. You can check our March report on this link
The major sections of Technical Trades –April 2014
-> Nifty Technical View
-> 1 large cap trade idea. ( We will add if we find any in next week )
-> 5 strong midcaps ( 1 strong PSU bet )
-> 5 midcap trade setups for momentum trades.
-> 2 high risk short term ideas.
Plus we may add up some more stocks/analysis for subscribers of this report.
Also write a feedback to nooreshtech@analyseindia.com.
All this at a small cost of Rs 999 only.
You can download the report by making an online payment through this link
Thanks and Regards,
Nooresh Merani
Twitter – https://twitter.com/nooreshtech
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/nooreshtech
Things to Note
The report has been made on basis of technical analysis and in good faith.
Past Performance is not a guarantee to the future. ( so even I have been wrong many a times before its not necessary I ll be again and vice versa )
Do not over-leverage.
Also do take care of the risk management and keep a strict stoploss. If you cannot afford the stoploss don’t take the trade.
One of the ideal ways to trade would be to book partial profits and keep trailing stoplosses to reduce risk and conserve profits.
No trading strategy allocation has been advised as every trader may have a different style and methodology for allocation of funds.
April 7, 2014
Thanks for the report. It looks promising with some potentially lucrative tips.
However, your views on bigger / blue chips will be most interesting.
I’m tuned in O:)O
April 29, 2014
Shall we have Technical Trades for May 2014 also like what we had in April.for Rs 999/- The monthly facility is very useful and handy for small investors. Pl consider.