Blue Star Infotech – Interesting Small Cap IT Company

Blue Star


Technically the stock came into radar for the last few weeks as volumes have consistently been picking up in the stock.  Above 80-85 is a strong indication of something cooking into the stock.


Now lets look at a quick fundamental check ( trying to find out more on the company )


Market Cap: Rs. 88.30 Crores

Current Price: Rs. 84.90

Book Value: Rs. 89.73

Stock P/E: 10.79

Dividend Yield: 2.36%

Stock is Rs. 10.00 paid up

Listed on BSE & NSE

Company website

52 Week High/Low: Rs. 90.15 / Rs. 48.15



Some Fundamental Points to look at :

Company has around 25-29  odd cr cash which gives us an enterprise value of 60 cr.

Dividend payout is a nice 40%. So if company makes money dividends will rise. At some point in previous years it even gave dividends of 5 bucks.

Company pays tax and the last quarter results were exceptional with a 350 % rise in profits. Deal sizes increasing and so is annuity business.

At 10 times multiple and given the possibility of growth in coming quarters can be an interesting bet at 70-85 bucks.



Will like readers to share their views.


Nooresh Merani   ( For all our services )

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  1. ashish
    October 17, 2013

    can one hold PTC India for higher target and any view?

  2. varun
    October 18, 2013

    sir check out omnitech infosolutions now 22.5 eps of 4 divident of 1.6 and consistent dividend paying company didvend yeild around 8%

  3. varun
    October 18, 2013

    omnitech infosolutions
    cmp 22.5
    book value 199
    promotoer holding 51%
    eps 12
    p/e 1.87
    price to book.11
    market cap 33.84 cr
    reserves 283 cr

    1. Nooresh
      October 21, 2013

      Look at the receivables which tells you the accounting methods of the company. This seems like another bartronics and so on stocks. Look at the debts also.

      Everything stinks in the balance sheet it seems.


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