Indian economy is at the doorstep of a glorious future – A beginning of great era! Will you be participating in the great India story?
The biggest apathy about Indian investors has been that their participation in equity markets has been more on Tips, market rumours, Heard on Street or herd behavior and the sad part is they are mostly on the losing side.
Creation of wealth can only happen by buying great businesses at opportune time and at prices where there is a high margin of safety. Over and above, It is imperative to know the real worth of the business and stay the whole course of the rally in the stock price.
I am sure, many a times you may have bought a gem of a stock which grows to become a multi-bagger but have ended up selling it too cheap and early or bought a very small and negligible quantity.
It is very difficult for an investor to create enough conviction on a business; as one may not have access to the right information or resources to research the stock in a detailed manner.
Analyse India BIG VALUE will change the way you have invested till now, by bringing to you stocks based on real in-depth research by few of the best analysts in the Indian equity markets.
You will receive 52 weekly recommendations for 1 full year based purely on Deep Value Investment System created by Analyse India.
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Your first BIG VALUE recommendation will be released on Monday, 15 October 2012 by 12 noon.
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Current Account Name: EQTANALYST
Account Number: 06662000000169
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Current Account Name: N S FIDAI
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For any queries mail to
or Call – Ankit 09899899989
Nooresh 09819225396
N S Fidai 09920120878
October 4, 2012
Dear Nooresh,
Your views on Jain Irg & clarient chem please? holding both 636 and 65 respectively.
October 6, 2012
Clariant can test patience…. Jain irrigation need to re-look but technically 60 a stoploss
October 6, 2012
Hi Nooresh,
Whats your view on Sterlite Inds. Are you bullish on it?
October 8, 2012
Waiting for some clear indications
October 7, 2012
Can you please tell me your views on IFB Agro and Kirloskar Brothers?
October 8, 2012
IFB is a good one provided you wait for 1-2 yrs. Favorite of one funda analyst i know. Kirloskar no idea
October 8, 2012
sir happy birthday..
October 19, 2012
Dear Nooresh,
There is no healthy sign in the market as the nifty continues to fall.Will the market show good sign during nov……..
October 26, 2012
Dear Nooresh,
What is your view on Jb chemicals & Pharm as i have got 500 shares,should i hold it for long term or sell it.
October 27, 2012
the stock is not able to sustain 75-80 resistance levels. Can look to shift
October 29, 2012
Hi Nooresh,
Good Afternoon,
I had bought some shares of Jayshree tea industries @ Rs 94.20 but since last week i found that market is coming down, so plz guide me whether to continue with the same or exit? can i expect any up trends in the short term?
October 30, 2012
Dear Nooresh
I had bought some shares of Jayshree tea industries @ Rs 94.20 but since last week i found that market is coming down, so plz guide me whether to continue with the same or exit? can i expect any up trends in the short term?
November 15, 2012
hi anjan
you can book profit now.
October 29, 2012
Dear Sir,
I m holding MERCK 500SHARE@616 and i want to hold it for long term. please tell me wether i should hold or sell it and FD that amount in bank.
November 15, 2012
not tracking the stock closely but would suggest to keep part qty