This is a post series which I keep trying to post regularly. This is yet another shot at it.
What’s at Stake at the House of Tatas
— Moneylife Advisory (@MoneylifeAdvice) November 7, 2016
Looking at the tight correlation recently between S&P500 and Nifty, wondering if Elections are in USA or in India!
— Naresh Katariya (@KhivrajNaresh) November 7, 2016
Buying an operated stock that takes a pump & dump grind is like going to a dance bar. You made the choice to go & throw your money on them!
— Shyam Sekhar (@shyamsek) November 6, 2016
Making money by spreading knowledge is easier than by actual investing !
— Vishal Mittal (@vishalmittal22) November 6, 2016
Good one via @baddutt
— Sucheta Dalal (@suchetadalal) November 6, 2016
We're old school, we think it matters at what price you buy an asset. - Akash Prakash, Amansa Capital.
— Tarbir Shahpuri (@tarbirshahpuri) November 4, 2016
Still a huge opportunity. DoJ will be limited. Apprvls will benefit some. Not all highly dependent on few products. Elecxns will be over.2/2
— Ravi Dharamshi (@ravidharamshi77) November 4, 2016
But Perfect Storm = great long-term opportunity for some1 willing to work hard and be patient. 1/2
— Ravi Dharamshi (@ravidharamshi77) November 4, 2016
All diwali shows can be seen here
— Darshan Mehta (@darshanetnow) November 3, 2016
Final interview of this Diwali season
— Samir Arora (@Iamsamirarora) November 3, 2016
Why do business channels only invite Equity Managers for New Year Shows
Isn't wealth protection via debt funds as important for creation— Kalpen Parekh (@KalpenParekh) October 31, 2016
Shouldn't the #TataSons board be asking some tough questions to Ratan Tata about his terrible track record as a manager? My piece today
— Debashis Basu (@Moneylifers) October 31, 2016
"Just 3 Companies -Amazon, Apple,Google- have a marketcap of USD 1.6 trillion which is more than India's marketcap today"
— alphaideas (@alphaideas) October 27, 2016
they keep calling Mobius on tv shows & the fund has not done anything since 1987 !!!! .. almost 30 years.. !
— karanb (@karanb_k) October 26, 2016
Long Term Investors #Titbit
2200 investors have stayed invested with HDFC Prudence Fund fm inception till date— Manoj Nagpal (@NagpalManoj) October 25, 2016