Reminder – Online Crash Course – Technical Analysis – 18th October 2015

We are going to conduct a one day online crash course on Technical Analysis for the Members ofTechnical Traders Club . ( Free for all members )

For non members

Fees Rs - 3500.

Link for Payment -

Date - 18th October 2015

Timings - 09.30 am to 5.00 pm

The video recording will be available to for the participants. We will be using platform.

Will need a broadband connection and a pair of headphones. ( preferably 2 mbps or more )

Last few seats left.

More about the course.

We had last done this in 2014.

Below is the detailed post on it.


What is this Crash Course on Technical Analysis?

The idea of designing a crash course on Technical Analysis comes from the approach a lot of us engineers used to during our studying ( I hold a Bachelors in Engineering ( I T ) from Mumbai.

The first brush with a crash course or a quick approach starts with cracking the HSC Board Exams ( admissions in 2002 was based on your PCM marks and not a Common Entrance Test ). Even if one had a liking for Biology it would be better to put time towards other subjects. I remember getting out of the Biology Part 2 Paper in an hour as the required decent 60-70 in the Part 1 and internals. The motive was to just get enough knowledge of subjects and excel in ones which mattered the most.

Similarly in engineering,We would first start with a Crash course notes and then go through the reference books and again end up with a crash course revision. In many cases it would only be the crash course or only the Reference Book. This was due to either time limitation ( lesser time because of other fun activities).

This helped in first understanding in brief the subject to at least pass decently,  and also knowing how much it interests you. If one needs to excel in that subject would end up reading all the reference material. Again the end of reading would be the Crash Course notes to revise in a simple and efficient manner.

Remember the good old KISS = Keep it Simple Stupid.

Today we see a lot of irrelevant data on technical analysis and people trying to complicate it all the more. Maybe We technical analysts want to sound very knowledgeable and confusing. All the reference materials ( books ) on Technical Analysis , like in engineering is either very theoretical or written by foreign authors. There is not enough practical training or focus on simple and effective analysis.

For this we do have our 2 day technical analysis training program which i would term it as analogous to a Reference Book with Practial Examples. But what had been missing for so long was a Crash Course in Technical Analysis which is simple, practical and a must for every investor. After training,trading,analysing and writing for 7-8 years have finally been able to jot down a Crash Course in Technical Analysis which is practical, effective and above all simple to understand with no jargons.

One of the reasons to be able to focus on jotting down this course was the 6 weeks of being locked in a house. ( Got a ligament tear in the knee from a bike fall). This gave me time to focus on a very concise training which should take around 6-7 hours and some more reading material for the next few weeks.

This was working around in my thinking for a long time and finally in a bit of break from my routine due to not keeping well ( had a ligament tear in the knee) got enough time to crash up the important technical setups into a course for 6 hours or a little more. So here are the two solutions for all of you who are traders/investors or having allocation to equity in any form.

1)  Online Crash Course in Technical Analysis – Intended for everyone who invests and trades. Even if you are a Value Investor, Mutual Fund Investor, Experienced Technical Analyst, Experienced Fundamental Analyst and any one this should help you know simple and important technical setups. Also as it is meant to be for everyone the focus was to create something which does not have an availability or accessibility issue. The course is totally online and will be recorded for further viewing.

2)Technical Analysis Training (aka Practical Reference Book) – If you want to excel in trading/investing and are serious about it or plan to be serious in the future. This is the only course conducted by us over the last 7 years in various cities and hundreds of participants.

Why are we doing the course?

I have been writing on for last 8 years. Started initially writing on orkut, blogspot and this blog was later migrated to wordpress a few years back.

Over the years what we have realized majority of the traders; investors are only interested in Investment Ideas, Tips, Insider News, Day Trading, and Advisory Services. If not that then they are going through the Mutual Fund way and paying up 1.5-2.5% management fee a year which is not linked to performance.

Now let us look at the cost of making a trade/investment and other services.

Mutual Funds – 1.5-2.5% (On a 10 lakh investment you might be paying 15000-25000). The options are limited with a few number of fund houses and restricted with a lot of rules and huge size.

Broking – 0.20-0.60% for buying and selling. (If you are paying more than this, change your broker). There are discount brokers today with 20 Rs per order. So if you have a capital of 10 lakhs and you trade only once you spend 2000-6000. People trade more than that over a year.

Advisory Services – 2500-50k annually. ( It could be higher for a larger capital)

There are many advisory services with 99.99% sure shot technical ideas and a gamut of investor newsletters starting from 2500 to 2.5 lakhs. We also have our own product for last many years for serious traders/investors with decent capital ( but we have a terrible accuracy of only 55-75% and never sure shot. Only risk is lesser. Check services on the blog ).

Magazines – 250-3500 Rs annually. ( thats an average and am not adding the filmfare or industry mags)

Newspapers – 1500 Rs annually. ( Only if pink papers)

Brokerage Research – That’s totally free. There are hundreds of brokers , any research you can trust ?

Blogs / Websites – This is the only free and relatively better source of information. But you need to be very careful. Half the websites are anonymous.

As of today there are a lot of brokers, advisors, trainers and mutual funds. The big broking community is getting consolidated with the last 5-6 years of range bound market and competition. Soon many others will consolidate with the advent of discount brokers.

There were a few advisors/trainers when we started and now it seems there are are more advisors than investors . Everyone today is an advisor or a trainer or a coach. Guess what even me with an Engineering Degree is training and advising on equities for last 8 years!

There are so many websites with 99.99% sure shot calls , insider tips, option doublers. (We feel elated when we go to 65-75% or higher. Maybe for us risk is more important than reward).

In all this you need to ask yourself whether you as an investor/trader on how much you are spending on broking, magazines to advisory and how much on developing your skills to be a better investor/trader?

The reason no investor/trader tends to not spend time and money on his training is because all you need is a cheque book and a trading account to start making money in markets, isn't it ?

But when we go for a professional career - You need a degree, years of experience. In business you need capital and also a lot of experience along with a lot of business sense. Both of which takes months and years to achieve success.

Do you really think over the next 10-20-30 years of your investment period you will succeed without training yourself? If yes then do not read ahead :)

In this course what we plan to do is spend a few hours (around 6 or more) discussing the basics of technical analysis and some terrific setups which can be a great help for all investors/traders. This simple course is  based on WHAT NOT TO DO after years of experimenting.

The course is not intended to make you an academician on technical analysis but a practical trader/investor who patiently waits for the right opportunities. Mind you this will definitely not make you a hot shot day trader (Will put my views in a different post on how difficult it is to be consistent in day trading).

The course will give you a deep insight on how Simple Technical Analysis can help you in the long run. Some of the setups and approaches which have helped us be good traders will be discussed. The 6 hours of your time will help you develop being a better trader/investor.  The course contents are as given below in the end of the post.

This is like a crash course as we say in Engineering which helps you pass through but to excel further you need to go to the reference books in details. (That would imply me selling you my full 2 day trainingJ )

Why should you do the course?

Looking at it Technically - You should not do the course as a very tiny fraction of our readers do. Nobody likes to sit and listen for 6-16 hours on trading and investing. All one wants is a to spend 10 seconds to hear a stock name and see it move up/down 20%.

If you are an investor/trader and would like to hone up your skills, than this course is a must for you. This course is for every investor/trader even if you are a hard core value, quantitative, special situation investors , a technical trader, blind speculator practicing for years and even a newbie into trading/investing.

At Analyse India majority of our revenues come from advisory services, consultancy, trading and not from our training programs. Keeping a business sense it’s very evident that there is no point selling our training programs as you will only pay us once and become independent over time ( Unless we charge a couple of lakhs per participant instead of the 14k program for 2 days). Also we end up increasing completion in the trading space with a lot of people entering before you or along with you into the trade or in your lines of business. But I believe there is space for all the good people in all fields.

But some of the very selifsh reasons we still train on technical analysis –

->  If you like what you have learned and its working for you, you will recommend to a lot more people. There is no publicity better than word of mouth.

-> If you are performing better in your trades. Others will come ask you how and you will recommend us.

->  We do get some money for our training but that’s going to be only once.

-> Most importantly every time we train others we get better in our execution and learn more from the participants.

Although this course may not be a revenue source but it implies am myself doing a crash course in technical analysis every time i conduct this. Also as a bonus , We get to learn from really focused and intelligent people.

So if you would like to add to our knowledge base by being a part of the program and also end up taking a practical approach to technical analysis. Do join the course. We may not have it very frequently and plan to do it only once or twice a month.

As I have been mentioning of investing time on our developing ourselves. Over the last few years I have been reading a lot of books on value investing/ behavioral finance / technical systems etc and getting hooked on to and Will be recommending a lot of such materials and also ask for sharing of such.

Although there are no pre-requisites for the course but there are a couple of books which all of us should read not only now but every year.

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

The course is scheduled for Sunday 9th March 2014.

Time : 10 am to 5 pm.

Requirements - Headphones with a broadband connection.

Course Fees : Rs 2999.  (There are no early , late bird and group discounts. Limited Seats)

The webinar would be conducted on the platform provided by The recordings will be available to the participants for the next 1 month to have a re-look.

Course Content

Section 1

  •   What is Technical Analysis?
  • Do investors need to know about technical analysis?
  • Technical Analysis seems to be for day traders?
  • Can technical analysis be used for longer term analysis? Yes then how?

Section 2

What are Technical Charts?
What are candlesticks, bars, line charts?
Candlestick patterns which can help you find Tops and Bottoms in Nifty?

Section 3

  • Do moving averages work?
  • What are moving average crossovers and convergences?
  • Moving Average Pattern that points out big trend signals like 2004 election fall, Bull market start in 2005, 2009 etc.

Section 4

  • The Price/Volume Pattern which will help you never getting caught in a Satyam, Crompton or a falling knife.
  • Technical Indicators you must know out of the thousands.
  • The best technical indicator setup which always works on Nifty but comes 2-6 times a year.

Section 5

  • Technical Analysis Chart Patterns.
  • What the hell is Head and Shoulders/Cup and Handles and all sort of fancy names.
  • The technical chart pattern which finds you big moves consistently in midcap stocks.
  • One dreadful chart pattern which will save you from the collapse of 2008 or in Commodities.
  • An opposite to the above pattern which will help you allocate big money on turnarounds like 2009/2011.

Section 6

  • What is Risk-Reward?
  • A quick example on how to look for long term trend changes using Technical Analysis.
  • What are the free softwares, online websites. Reviews of various softwares.

Section 7

  • Additional Reading Material, Examples, Videos. ( Lots of videos, presentations, pdfs will be available for download )
  • Ending Note on Market View by Nooresh.
  • Discount Coupons from Analyse India.
  • Membership to exclusive google group of all participants.

There will be a question and answer session after two sections and participants can always get back to us on our contact details. Each section would ideally be around 40-50 mins.

If you have persevered to read such a boring and lengthy article with no images , than you are eligible for the course.

You can subscribe for the course by making the payment on the following link.

Thanks and Regards,

Nooresh Merani

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Had written a detailed post earlier on a similar program we did in April 2014.

It can be read here -

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